Friday, May 20, 2011

clip art heart borders

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  • PhantomPumpkin
    Apr 27, 10:24 AM
    Laugh all you want, but they are being sensible. If the media hype gets too great, they act, as they should.

    I have no antenna issue with my iPhone 4, and I don't use a case or a bumper. I understand what Apple meant by calling it a non-issue.

    Apple did not track you, it sent anonymized cell tower location information back to itself. But there was a bug that kept a locally-stored database file from being culled from all but the most recent data. So they will now provide an update to fix that bug.

    But if you want to pretend that Apple is in denial mode, and use exclamation points as if your hair were on fire, go right ahead. You nicely prove the point I was just making with samcraig.

    Don't you just love it? Apple identifies an potential issue, and does something to remedy it, and they get yelled at for doing so. If they do nothing, they get yelled at for doing nothing.

    Catch 22.

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  • Squire
    Jul 14, 09:12 PM
    Here are my guesses/wishes...

    I like your line of thinking. You know, what if Apple just released 4 Mac Pro models? Or offered 2 Mac Pro models and 2 iMac Pro models. The bottom two could have Conroe chips and the top two could have 2 x Woodcrest chips. Perhaps have an ever so slight case design difference between the two (i.e. slightly smaller on the low end or charcoal black on the upper end). Because, when you think of it, "prosumers" who already own a display are faced with a difficult buying decision with the current lineup.


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  • ksz
    Sep 20, 03:29 AM
    What did you expect? Didn't you look at his avatar? Cool, Homer is a member of Macrumors. :D
    ...except that he's a she...a demi-goddess. Frequent updates are a good thing. I would not want to stop the march of progress just so I could personally feel better about a little money I spent.

    clip art heart borders. clip art heart borders.
  • clip art heart borders.

  • NoSmokingBandit
    Aug 18, 10:37 PM
    I hate how some people think the ~800 standard cars are going to look like GT4 cars. Obviously they wont, because even at half the poly density of the premium cars they would still look gorgeous.

    Meh, haters gonna hate as the kids say.

    I just hope the it has a 2008 cobalt in the game. My friend claims the focus is one of the worst cars ever made but he drives a cobalt :rolleyes: So i want to pit them against each other on a track.

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  • alpacojohn
    Aug 25, 05:42 PM
    Funny how I just came across this thread, as I'm in the middle of an Apple support nightmare as well (I have one of those MacBooks that just turns itself off for no reason - completely unacceptable). I have been routed through 12 people over 3 calls, with several promises of "expedited resolution"s but no tangible result.

    Although it's possible (and likely) that the prevalence of the MacBook defects have been overblown, I do know that Apple's support process puts you through a lot of hoops to get any major issue resolved (e.g., replacing a clearly defective product). Each person I've talked to has been courteous, but in the end I still have no faith in their ability to actually solve my problem in a timely manner.

    Frustrated Apple User

    clip art heart borders. clip art heart borders.
  • clip art heart borders.

  • cloudnine
    Jul 14, 04:27 PM
    Dual video cards are only used by gamers. I doubt gamers are going to be interested in buying one of these, for the same reason they don't buy other Macs - the software comes out for other platforms first.

    What about support for 2 30" cinema displays? You need two video cards to do that, right?

    clip art heart borders. clip art heart borders.
  • clip art heart borders.

  • azentropy
    Apr 5, 04:46 PM
    Hopefully there will be new iMacs to go with it. Refresh please!

    and Mac Pros!
    and entry level MacBook!
    and Mac minis!
    and ...

    clip art heart borders. clip art heart borders. heart
  • clip art heart borders. heart

  • faroZ06
    Apr 27, 08:46 AM
    Did you read ANY of the news articles.

    With location services turned off, this data was still be collected. And Apple says this was a "bug"

    So you're wrong.

    Ok then show me where it says that turning location services off will not stop the tracking. I've scanned the articles and did not find anything that said that. If it does still track when you turn it off, I'd like to know.

    clip art heart borders. Stars Clipart Border.
  • Stars Clipart Border.

  • digitalbiker
    Aug 25, 08:00 PM
    I have .mac now for several years, and I am still wondering why I re-subscribe. Maybe Im lazy. I must be. Don't get it. Need a Gmail invite?????

    I'm the same way. I have had .mac since way back when it was "Free for Life" and I just have gotten used to keeping it. I also keep thinking that ole Jobs and company are going to come up with the killer .mac app that will make .mac indespensible.

    I'm still waiting...

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  • Royalty-free clipart picture

  • cherry38
    Aug 11, 05:04 PM
    You might want to read some reviews on the Chocolate before buying it. I've seen a handful of reviews that were less than favorable.

    A good resource is They usually have a decent amount of user reviews upon which you can base your purchasing decisions.

    I just bought a chocolate and I absolutely love it. Great battery, great sound, best reception out of any Verizon phone I'd ever had.

    The best thing - IT DOESN'T HAVE THE STANDARD VERIZON USER INTERFACE! I really hate how Verizon forces that onto all of their phones now.

    I'd say go for it :)

    clip art heart borders. clip art heart borders. heart
  • clip art heart borders. heart

  • ergle2
    Sep 13, 01:00 PM
    So Merom(Merom Santa Rosa)/Conroe/Woodcrest(Clovertown) are the end of the road of separate chips. No more mobile/desktop/sever chip... all are the same (should expect mobiles to have the lowest MHz, then desktop, then toping out with server)

    I think you've misunderstood.

    Merom/Conroe/Woodcrest are one microarch now. That's Intel's point -- the core is essentially the same. Then they package as appropriate for a given market. Merom is lower-voltage/lower-clockspeed, Woodcrest has the external pins for multi-processor exposed and has a higher FSB, etc.

    There will still be different chips for different markets, but the arch is the same across the board. This is a significant difference from the Pentium-4/Pentium-M days, where the arch was very, very different.

    The other big difference is the support chipsets -- the Xeon range use a different chipset that supports FBDIMM vs DDR2 for the Core 2 branded chips. This is the reason Intel kept the memory controller off the CPU die, so that they had more flexibility with memory types.

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  • mrblack927
    Apr 27, 08:15 AM
    Wow. That's surprising. This whole time people downplayed it because there was no evidence that apple was actually transmitting this data. It wasn't a big deal because the db file was local only. Now when Apple addresses it they had to not only admit that the file exists but that they actually were transmitting data.

    Ah well, still not a big deal. :p

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  • 081440
    Aug 18, 08:31 PM
    My Pro now starts 10.4.7 in less than 5 seconds!

    NO WAY!! that would be awesome

    clip art heart borders. clip art heart borders. day
  • clip art heart borders. day

  • iansilv
    Apr 25, 04:48 PM
    wow, this has officially been blown out of proportion!


    The GOVERNMENT must get a warrant- that attorney is an idiot. Things like the iPhone tracking people's location is not the same thing as a federal officer getting a warrant for tracking someone.

    Hey attorney- thanks for making our profession look idiotic!

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  • Heart Clipart Christmas

  • DeeEss
    Apr 27, 08:38 AM
    NWO run for the hills!

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  • clip art heart borders.

  • zoran
    Oct 15, 12:45 PM
    HP is claiming to have their first Clovertown workstations available on the 15th, so only a month away. I bet we'll see the 8-core Mac Pro systems by the end of November.
    Why would Apple show their Clovertown workstations after HP and not simultaneusly with HP?

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  • Flowers | Tagged order,

  • greenstork
    Jul 31, 12:05 PM
    Update this august... not likely. It will be all pro. Any consumer will be Paris Expo. The imac G5 was launched there. why not a Core 2 Duo iMac?

    Why not? Cost...

    The prices of the Yonahs just dropped precipitously, thereby increasing Apple's margins on their line of computers in mid product cycle. They'll be selling fewer iMacs anyway because everyone will want the fanciest MB Pros and Mac Pros with the super fast Intel chips. To make up for selling fewer iMacs, they'll be raking in higher margins on each computer.

    Look for consumer model speed bumps ahead of the holiday season.

    clip art heart borders. clip art heart borders. heart
  • clip art heart borders. heart

  • leekohler
    Apr 27, 11:49 AM
    Who is NOBama? I looked up that name on Wikipedia but haven't found anything.

    I was wondering the same thing.

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  • double heart clipart,

  • AtHomeBoy_2000
    Aug 7, 03:26 PM
    I dont think the "Top Secret" stuff is really top secret. I think Apple needs some more time to develope a few things before releasing them out into the public. No reason to release buggy apps.

    Remember, WWDC was pushed back this year. THey aren't done with Leopard just yet.

    Jul 20, 02:28 PM
    Have you ever owned a machine that hasn't been CPU bound? I know I haven't.

    Probably Single CPU bound....

    It will be gr8 being able to get 8 cores in a Mac, but if the software dosn't use it....
    Someone already mentioned that it also gives you the possibility to use those cores by using many apps at once. This is true, but I wonder how many often you will actually use all those cores at once.

    Let's hope the "opposite of Hyperthreading" will come along (Leopard feature???).. So, instead of a "emulating" a Dual Core / CPU config (like on later Pentium 4's), emulate a Single CPU on multiple cores. :cool:
    Then, you get 8 * 3 GHz = 1 * 24 GHz...!!!

    Aug 5, 06:54 PM
    You're right that there is "no reason to rush" except it would be awfully fun to beat Vista to market AGAIN.

    David :cool:

    Apple, in a very real sense, will beat Vista as of Monday. Microsoft execs have already gone on record recently saying that the rescheduled schedule for the revised schedule for scheduling the release of Vista now has a 20% chance of slipping. Apple, on the other hand, has earned a reputation for shipping it's OS and what it shows/promises. So what will be seen at WWDC will be as good as gold insofar as it's perception as a legitimate answer to Vista.

    Microsoft is really out of time. It has to freeze it's code for Vista and debug if it stands any chance of hitting an 07 release and maintain what's left of Microsoft's credibility - which means whatever it looks like now, that's it. So there won't be any further surprises from Microsoft, just release date suspense. From a competitive, strategic point of view, it just doesn't get any better than this for Apple.

    Aug 26, 04:10 PM
    I am now pretty sure that new MacBooks are being released in the next few days.
    I ordered one on the 17th of august and it was scheduled to ship on the 24th of august. Then for some reason it was bumped to a new ship date of august 31st, just enough time to drop a new merom processor in it!

    Jul 20, 09:17 AM
    I think you're a bit confused, 8x 3GHz cores doesn't equal 1x 24GHz processor.

    No I think you are confused. :) I meant "Is having more cores, lets say 8, more efficient than one big core equal in processing power to the 8 cores?"

    Mar 31, 03:30 PM
    Except Google have made it very clear with Honeycomb that they're not willing to release the source code for the foreseeable future so 'a bit' could be a lot longer than you'd think. More to the point that does manufacturers very little good. If, f'instance, Google decide to only release a version of Android as open source when they release the next version any manufacturer wanting to use it is going to have to grab the open version, make whatever tweaks they want, get it on a device, get it built in bulk and launch it into the relevant sales channel(s). By the time they do that Google is likely to have released another version of Android and they'll be hopelessly out of date.

    Make no mistake about this, Google tightening up on the Android T&C's like this makes it almost impossible for anyone outside of Google's control to launch a device that really competes with the manufacturers who are on the inside track, at least from an OS point of view.

    I was just pointing out that the code is still open, even if some have to wait longer than has been the case. I'm not saying everything is golden and Google are a paragon of virtue, this is certainly a bit of a sly move on their part.

    I cannot help shake the feeling that some of the vitriol from certain people is the fear that a more coherent and unified Android ecosystem is an even bigger threat to the iOS platform.

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