Friday, May 20, 2011

justin bieber ugly

justin bieber ugly. Ugly+justin+ieber+face
  • Ugly+justin+ieber+face

  • FrenchMac
    Jan 12, 08:28 AM
    The most obvious reason behind the name MacBook Air for me is the removal of the wired Ethernet connector to the MacBook. There is two thing that prevent from making a very slim notebook: an optical drive and an ethernet connector (look at the ethernet connector on a MacBook, it take most of the height of the notebook).

    So the MacBook Air would be the first Apple notebook having only a wireless connection...

    And I agree that it will be made of aluminium...


    justin bieber ugly. of ieber, ugly justin
  • of ieber, ugly justin

  • kelving525
    Sep 19, 11:54 PM
    I saw some of the pics and the buttons are covered. :)

    The volume-rocker and hold buttons are both covered.

    justin bieber ugly. Pokemon JUSTIN BIEBER

  • henrikrox
    Mar 25, 05:49 PM
    Wow amazing I just hope more debs gets creative with this.

    I love people say that this is the future of gaming. I agree with that.

    Then stupid people say we have ps2 graphics. They said future of gaming. Not now. Just look at the jump from iPad 1 to 2. Think 3 years from now when we have CPUs with quad cores and even better graphics.

    Amazing by the devs that created real racing 2. Looks fantastic

    justin bieber ugly. gbu-ieber-ugly.jpg
  • gbu-ieber-ugly.jpg

  • LumbermanSVO
    Apr 12, 09:02 PM
    I drive a non-syncronised 10-speed stick with a hellacious clutch pedal 6-days a week, or about 105k miles a year. Even the worst backing situations, where I'm feathering the clutch a LOT, aren't enough to get my leg tired anymore. The clutch pedals in most cars feels like stepping on a rotten plumb to me now.

    With enough time you can learn to float the gears(clutchless shifting) with any manual transmission, yes, even the synchronized ones. Once you learn it you'll find that it takes less force to get it in gear than when you use the clutch. Most of my missed shifts in the big truck or the car are from my hand slipping off the lever from having too loose of a grip on.

    Even after all the time in the big truck I still prefer my personal vehicles to have a manual. I did just buy a car with an auto though, but at $825 you can't be too picky about what trans it has. :D

    justin bieber ugly. Ugly+justin+ieber+face
  • Ugly+justin+ieber+face

  • sochrisash
    Jan 12, 09:41 AM

    Heres my current update on my bug.

    Bought some speakers that wouldnt fit the door cards so put them in this suitcase I bought at a vw show. Haha, its great :P

    justin bieber ugly. justin bieber movie cover.
  • justin bieber movie cover.

  • skunk
    Mar 20, 06:01 PM
    the object (tank?) could have exploded from the inside out.Please cite an explosion which happens any other way than from the inside out.

    justin bieber ugly. i love justin bieber fml
  • i love justin bieber fml

  • NathanMuir
    Mar 21, 01:57 PM
    Can they really be this geometrically illiterate? Or is it just a misquote?

    I suppose this begs the question 'How would you prefer they quantify the No Fly Zone?'

    justin bieber ugly. Justin Bieber- er, your not
  • Justin Bieber- er, your not

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 21, 07:03 PM
    The gist of the statements currently coming from UN-mandated coalition members seems to be that once that "all necessary measures" have been taken to protect Libyans under attack by Gaddafi loyalists, the coalition military will simply seek to maintain that protection. Any political progess from that point on will have to be negotiated between Gaddafi, the Arab League, and the UN.

    It will be important to get the Arab League onboard, but just now they are pretty distracted with internal instability and rarely agree on anything anyways. They neither want to keep Gaddafi around nor show him the door.

    justin bieber ugly. Justin Bieber Ugly Girlfriend.
  • Justin Bieber Ugly Girlfriend.

  • mrkramer
    Apr 8, 01:11 AM
    HA! Do I get another "I toldya so" moment soon??? :D

    General: US may consider sending troops into Libya

    We better not do that, the no-fly zone is ok, but we can't afford and we shouldn't put troops on the ground. If we do this will just turn into another Iraq.

    justin bieber ugly. Justin+ieber+ugly+
  • Justin+ieber+ugly+

  • jellomizer
    Oct 23, 11:29 AM
    i'd like to see what's inside the new MBP's, though i already bought my MBP a couple weeks ago with no regrets.. i'd still like to see what those who are waiting will get for their hard earned patience

    Well we get the feeling of getting the best system for a while. If you got the old MBP while I am sure you will be happy with it for a long time. It is just nice to have a system where they don't introduce a new one for about 6 months.

    But for myself who is waiting it is more about waiting for a Generation 2 which I promiced myself, when the MBP first came out. I would have origionally bought a MBP if a few months ago they just increased the speed to 2.33 ghz. I was just waiting for one more processor upgrade. But now with all the rumors I just can't get myself to get one until it has a Core 2 Dou or better in it.

    justin bieber ugly. ugly justin bieber proud
  • ugly justin bieber proud

  • bushido
    Apr 2, 05:11 AM
    i guess lion doesn't like long german words yet ^^

    edit: isn't there a way to show the left hdd space at the bottom of the finder like on snow leopard? i hate clicking on info all the time to see how much space i got left

    justin bieber ugly. Justin Bieber fan (and
  • Justin Bieber fan (and

  • PBF
    Apr 2, 11:20 PM
    In Safari, you can now change the width of a page by moving the cursor to the scrollbar and you see the little "adjust width" icon. Drag that and the width of the page decreases/increases toward the center.
    If I understood your explanation/description correctly (which was kinda confusing), then it's been there since DP1, and it's not just the right side, it's all four sides and all four corners, and lastly, it's a system-wide feature, not just Safari's.

    justin bieber ugly. lightbox middot; Justin_bieber_ugly_
  • lightbox middot; Justin_bieber_ugly_

  • chicagostars
    Jan 12, 04:37 PM
    These whispers seem to have possible validity. I feel that people waiting for a slim MacBook Pro may come away from MacWorld disappointed. A thin machine doesn't seem like it will fit the bill for many pro customers who are often using their MacBook Pros as desktop replacements, but may be great for another market: non-creative professionals, many of whom would like something along the lines of a successor to the 12" Powerbook. (Rumors of an aluminum enclosure don't mean all that much as Apple is going toward aluminum enclosures in more and more of their product lines, regardless the price point or 'pro' image. iPod Shuffle anyone?)

    Let's enjoy the show!

    justin bieber ugly. Ugly+justin+ieber+fan
  • Ugly+justin+ieber+fan

  • Sydde
    Mar 20, 05:50 PM
    There actually is a fair correlation here with homeopathy. Both involve "cures". Homeopathy claims that their process will (or might) treat or cure a specific ailment that is troubling you. This Exodus thing misrepresents a natural condition as a problem that requires curing. Both of these "therapies" require co�peration on the part of the victim.

    Then, of course, is the fundamental problem with the app store itself. Apple's unbridled pursuit of maximum profit to the exclusion of any sort of side-loading option (short of jailbreaking) makes this an issue in the first place. If there were app ghettos and app alleys, this issue would not come up.

    justin bieber ugly. footage Donjustin bieber
  • footage Donjustin bieber

  • toddybody
    Mar 24, 02:24 PM
    Lian Li Hackintosh yo.

    justin bieber ugly. Justin+ieber+ugly+face
  • Justin+ieber+ugly+face

  • t0mat0
    Aug 31, 07:51 AM
    ...why do you want the wireless? I have seen one (maybe two) ideas that caught my eye; but not enough too change my opinion on the negative cost/benefit impact including wireless as envisioned by many here would have on my beloved device.

    Blue sky on wireless? Think a device which works out presence of others, and can connect safely.

    Imagine being able to *share* (not stream, but share) your tunes with others on a "I'm interested in your... can I share/get that from you).

    Being on the tube/commuting for ~ 1 1/2 hours a day or so and seeing >6 ipods through glancing for white buds alone, the possiblities are huge.

    What are net connections used mostly for (in terms of Mb up/down) It's P2P. There wouldn't be any roaming charges, any peak rates. You could do it in a lecture room, whilst you were studying, or having coffee with friends (sharing tunes, rather than listening )

    Think one big interacting social darknet :D Think virality without PC's needed.
    Someone has a cool tune, and it could replicate exponentially!

    For more benefits: Linking up to USB wireless receiver chips - you can wireless move files to/from PC.

    Hands free driving - using changeable function paddles/butons on the steeering wheel. Hell - You could have a HUD of iTunes on a car soon (or at the very least, hook it up to those screens in the back of those orrible 4x4s )

    In terms of illegal possibilities, think discogs. The amount of music you'll bump into increases a lot, so the rarer stuff might be out there. You could strike up a friendship with someone who had say, the entire back catalogue of (insert your fave band/movie/TV series). People could be walking lossless discographies of current artists. A discog of an artist is at most probably under 10Gig, so for a >60Gig player...

    Who needs radio when you can stream? You could get it to actively hunt for a MP3 id tag genre - rock/pop, or highly rated artists. You could have the function to hunt for certain artists/songs...

    That's another reason why I want wireless.

    justin bieber ugly. Ugly+justin+ieber+2011
  • Ugly+justin+ieber+2011

  • Jaro65
    Apr 19, 09:50 PM
    He looks like a Shaolin Monk merged with Amy Winehouse.

    Hmm...interesting visualization.

    justin bieber ugly. justin bieber look alikes,
  • justin bieber look alikes,

  • mrapplegate
    Apr 3, 06:11 PM
    I dont know the significance of the big gray bar on top of the page where it blocks a portion of the page when the menu bar is coming out of auto hide -they could of made it semi transparent Hopefully they change that in the final release

    I see how some might not like how it is handled. I guess my point was it was by design and is not a bug.

    justin bieber ugly. about ugly justin bieber,
  • about ugly justin bieber,

  • newagemac
    May 3, 09:02 AM
    But my iPhone is far more limited than my first Windows PC in that regard. Even with Windows 95 I could go from one app to another while letting the other on load in the background. iOS freezes everything. If I want a video to upload on Facebook, I have no choice but to keep the app open until it's done. On my PC, I can start the upload and then move on to other things while the process is completing.

    I find moving to non-true multitasking as a step backward, not a step forward. As you said, out systems capabilites are able to do so much more. I can be playing a computer game, hit the Windows key, and open a media player and never see a drop in performance. Why limit your computer to one task at a time? Kind of defeats the point of multi-core processors.

    Uh, this comment is entirely wrong. With iOS, you can download something and move to another app and it will continue downloading in the background. The multitasking APIs have all the obvious backgrounding tasks covered and will likely include more if needed. Basically the goal is to allow background tasks when needed and when not needed let the app suspend and release resources to the apps you actually need. This method in iOS has proven to work far better than traditional operating systems like Mac OS X and Windows. That's why they are bringing it "Back to the Mac OS". The best parts of what they developed in iOS are being added in Lion.

    I think most people's problem is that they mistakenly viewed iOS as inferior in every way to Mac OS X but in many ways it is cutting edge and far better than OS X and Windows have ever been. The way iOS multitasking works is the reason very powerful and memory hungry apps like iMove and GarageBand for iPad work so surprisingly well on such a limited memory device. The apps get to use a much larger percentage of the CPU, GPU, and RAM than they do on traditional OSes under normal usage where you have multiple apps open.

    Right now I have a bunch of tabs open in Safari on my Mac and it's consuming a little over 1GB of RAM and lots of CPU. If I switch to Photoshop, Safari is still going to be using up all that RAM and CPU I really need for Photoshop when I don't plan on using Safari again until later today. And I don't want to shut it down because I have a bunch things in these tabs that I want to get back to later today including partially typed forum replies, halfway read articles, etc. On the iPad, Safari would suspend and release the RAM and CPU to my currently used RAM/CPU hungry app. That's what they need to bring to Lion.

    Aug 24, 10:38 PM
    a bit off topic... does any one know of a comparable pc and cost? the mini seems a bit expensive at 799 for a 1.6 dore duo

    If you check they acctually have a few... In about 15 minutes I can try to find some links for you, but if you want to do some quick searching yourself they have a few PC mini-like comps.

    Apr 2, 11:04 PM
    When Apple has their Quarterly press conference expect the iPad 2 to list 4+ million or more sales with back orders in the millions.

    The return rate of all Apple products, across all of their hardware lines are lowest in the entire industry.

    The iPhone 4 fiasco had a return rate half of that of the iPhone 3GS that everyone loved.

    iPad return rate is at 2%:

    Look to that being at or lower for the iPad 2.

    Ummm - the reason probably is shown on the 1400 post "light bleed" thread. People WANT the thing bad so they don't "return" it... they get it "swapped". Quite a few people over there are on their 4th to 5th swap
    (which boggles my mind frankly) in a search to get one with no bleed.

    They all seem to have it to varying degrees but I have to hand it to Apple for (so far) not claiming this is "in spec" to shut down all these

    Apple probably lists all these as "exchanges" and therefore they don't count as "returns". Makes the customer happy and makes them look good in the press. Everybody wins.

    Towards the end of the huge thread over at people are being told the same thing from the reps when they call... that Apple "is looking into the qc issue on this batch of iPads and hopes to resolve the issue". That's good news for everybody.

    Apr 26, 01:12 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Here we go again

    "what about windows being generic?!"
    -well Microsoft isn't actually selling window panes

    "app store is generic"
    -if it were 'mobile software store' or 'application store', it would definitely be generic, but 'app store' is arguable

    "this is stupid, apple being such a girl"
    -they've built a name with 'app store', and it would be to the competitions advantage to use it. Otherwise, they would just use something else.

    "apple didn't invent the word app"
    -well they made it popular

    "nuh-uh, I've been using app, since blah blah..."
    -congratulations (but we're talking about millions, not 1 and a few friends)

    Actually "windows OS" was a generic term to describe GUI OS - that is an OS that uses windows on a desktop for organization and simplicity. Yes, Microsoft Windows has nothing to do with window panes but in this case, they did trademark a generic term with the exact same meaning.

    Mar 31, 12:12 AM
    It's not an update, you have to get a new code and redeem it.

    Can you only get one code per dev account? What if I want to install on multiple computers?

    Sep 6, 10:24 PM
    There has been talk about release movies at the theatre and DVD at the same time. It seems people would like the choice of where and when to see a movie. Home theatre technology brings the movie experience at home even large screen computers. What if Apple will be the first to experiment with viewing movies released to the theatre at home through the movie store? We've seen TV studios release TV episode sneak peeks and new episodes the following day it airs. Could this be the big thing? $14.99 to watch a new movie at home with the whole family is actually a bargain. Steve obviously has influence with Disney to make it possible. Imagine watch the next Disney/Pixar movie in the confort of your own home on a 24" wall mounted iMac.

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