Sunday, May 15, 2011

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  • Piggie
    Mar 22, 06:22 PM
    You know, on second thought....there never will be an iPad "killer".

    Show me a single tablet, from any manufacturer...that will out-sell the iPad.

    You can't.

    When Steve Jobs is no longer around to rule the roost and Jonathan Ive is no longer with Apple, who knows how the company will change?

    Nothing lasts forever. Apple's biggest problem is Apple themselves. You can get too cocky and too arrogant.
    Just look at the way Apple are trying to manipulate sales and the queue's of public outside stores. Who knows where this will lead to in the future?

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Feb 28, 11:56 AM
    On Friday, though, the college issued a statement accusing him not only of being gay, which it called contrary to traditional Catholic doctrine, but also of misrepresenting before he was hired that he was a member of an independent branch of Catholicism.

    He denied both accusations Saturday, saying he never hid his sexuality or his affiliation with the Old Catholic Apostolic Church of the Americas from school officials.

    Does he feel same-sex attractions or doesn't he? The reporter says that the priest is "gay." The article tells me that the priest denied both accusations. If he denied both accusations, he denied that he was gay.

    The reporter or the college goofed. Being "gay" isn't contrary to Catholic teachings. Living a "gay lifestyle" is contrary to them.

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  • mikeapple
    Apr 6, 10:44 AM
    Can we also expect, ?

    -Backlit keys
    -Brighter display, colors, and IPS
    -HD Facetime

    All would be greatly appreciated along with the Sandy Bridge

    fingers crossed for no Over-heating issues, you know how those turbo speeds can get and how they've treated the 13'' Pros

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  • mustangs
    Sep 19, 12:00 AM
    I purchased my 1.83GHz Mac Book with 1GHz of RAM on Sep 07, and apple sent me an email that it was going to be shipped on the 18th. Today I got this email from Apple "

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  • twoodcc
    Aug 12, 09:04 PM
    I don't really care if you count the Prologues as full releases or not. The fact remains...

    GT1 + GT2 + GT3 + GT4 = 46M

    ...not 57M like you originally, and incorrectly, said.

    but you do care. you are pointing out that you care by what you just typed. if you count the prologues, you get over 57M sold.

    You brought up sales, not me. And last I checked, objectively, 100 is more than 57, regardless of how you subjectively look at it.

    i disagree. let's bring math into the equation, since you seem to have missed it.

    100,000,000/15 = 6,666,667.
    57,000,000/8 = 7,125,000.

    so GT has sold more copies per game.

    No, the only thing that adds to is a stat point on the back of the box. I mean, hooray, someone's 87 CRX is in a racing game. YAY!! :rolleyes:

    That is the problem with GT these days. Too much fluff, and lacking in the racing. I mean, whatever, they can make whatever kind of game they want. If they want to fill the game with 1000 cars, 800 of which most people never touch, they can do that. To me, though, they are losing what made the series great years ago.

    well again this is your opinion. we all have one. i personally think that if someone is into cars, they will care about their car. not everyone can afford the cars in the game, but it might be nice to see that car that you can afford and have in real life in the game. i mean, the game is meant for people into cars.

    NO WAY!!! I never knew that. :rolleyes:

    just pointing out the facts. are you doing any different?

    Sure, but a "Guinness Record" for it? Again, to much fluff.

    they have records for everything. like how much cheese you can eat, or whatever. that's what Guinness Records are

    No, it is a concept car that Citro�n paraded around at car shows. Lots of concept cars get built with the fake intention of going into production. But you know what? Almost none of them do. This Citro�n is no different.

    but the intention of the car was for the game. how do you not see that? specifically for the game. in fact, it's named GT after the game

    My point is, he was trying to use GT's high sales as a quantifier of the series greatness. Then, when I showed 2 examples of other racing game series with higher sales, he said they were different types of racing games, and that they don't count. Which is understandable, because they are not the same type of game. But then, ultimately, as I said before, if you don't count those other types of racing games, you're really only comparing GT to Forza, since that is the only other similar game.

    But what does that prove? A game series that has been out for almost 13 years has sold more than a similar type of game series that has only been out for a little over 5 years. Big shock there. I'll be the first to admit that Forza isn't even remotely close to as big of a sales hit as the GT series. But, like I've said before, liking a game is a subjective thing, and everyone is entitled to their own choices. But sales are an objective thing, that has no relevance to somethings greatness.

    how does sales have no relevance if something is great? so iPhone sales show nothing to how good it is? or iPod sales mean nothing to how well it is? of course it does. you make games to sell. if they don't sell, you stop making games. and then there wouldn't be this thread, b/c there would be no GT5.

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  • TangoCharlie
    Jul 20, 11:27 AM
    Somehow I doubt that Intel would change thier roadmap for/because of Apple. They are probably one of their smallest customers :P

    I did say that it was WILD speculation. Maybe I should get a job at ThinkSecret?! :rolleyes:

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  • savar
    Sep 13, 07:17 AM
    I was interested to see that they were unable to max out CPU utilization on all 8 cores in the system. I hope it's due to the software these days not being ready to fully utilize more than one or two cores and not due to OSX's ability to scale to larger core counts. Since that's obviously where we're heading. Does anyone know about the potential for scalability of OSX to large numbers of CPU's/cores? I know some *nix varieties and BSD varieties do this really well, but one wonders if they were thinking this far in the future when they developed OSX. It'll be interesting to see...

    Older versions of OS X had severe limitations due to kernel re-entrancy...or lack thereof. There were only two locks for the entire kernel (also known as "funnels")...but Apple has revised the kernel for 10.5 and will be implementing much more granular locks, which should alleviate the re-entrancy problem.

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  • Popeye206
    Apr 11, 02:23 PM
    Are you serious? The Moto Droid (i.e.: the original one) is slower than molasses. You cannot be talking about the original Verizon Droid. That phone under-delivered out the gate. My friend from work whose entire family uses Verizon bought a Motorola Droid and she thought she was getting the equivalent of an iPhone and hated it ever since. She was jumping up and down when Verizon got the iPhone.


    The moral of that story is that Apple needs a cheaper entry point for an iOS smartphone if they want to command market share and especially to put their phones in the hands of more teenagers.

    I don't think that's the market Apple wants. They already have the #1 selling smart phone. They make more profit than all competitors combined off of the iPhone. The Cell phone market is very fluid and Apple knows it just has to keep producing the coolest and more desired phone and they will always have a decent share of the market and make tons of money.

    in the mean time, Moto, Samsung, HTC, LG and others all battle it out with the same OS and dropping prices to get market share. A race to the bottom strategy that I'm not sure will last forever.

    All Apple needs to do is keep the "coolness" coming. Reward us with nice iOS updates and keep us happy with the best support in the market.

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  • notabadname
    Apr 8, 12:10 AM
    Every day Apple stores get shipments of iPads....but they don't sell them when the arrive. They hold them for the line that forms the next morning.

    Seems odd to me. Like they are purposely making a spectacle in front of the store every morning.

    This morning the store I went to had NO AT&T models?!?!?! So tomorrow morning there will be yet another line of those that failed today (including myself).

    On topic, I called Best Buy and was told that unless I pre-ordered before the day of the sale, I could not get an iPad 2. My co-worker walked in last week off the street and purchased one. Why the inconsistent message? I don't get it.
    Not really a spectacle. They take the evening's drop shipment and get it into inventory. they sell it at the three places I can check before the Mall even opens, for example: Kenwood Town Center in Cincinnati opens at 7:00 for mall walkers. They let people in line at that time. The store opens at 8:00 to give "reservations" to the line standers for their choice of the available stock. They start processing/selling at about 8:30 and distribution is usually complete before 10:00 when the mall stores open and shoppers arrive. Apple doesn't open for sales till 10:00 either. So they are actually avoiding the spectacle and line in front of the store during normal hours, which you would have if everyone showed up around 4:00 or 5:00 to be around for the afternoon drop-shipment.

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  • fraserdrew
    Aug 6, 04:12 PM
    Vista is also 6 months out, prob more. This is no different then when Apple released 10.0. There WAS a reason 10.1 was free to 10.0 users. Microsoft will get this cleaned up over the 18+ months it takes Apple to come out with 10.6. Leopard has to go the distance and I two have been using Vista inhouse since early Alpha's for internal app testing. Its come a long way. It still has a long way to go still but the core IS there. MS simply needs to bug fix the heck out of it. Which will happen within 2-4 months of release with SP1 and then SP2 another 6 months after that.

    I'm not a long time apple user, and don't know about the classic to OS X transition, but i do know that 2 service packs and bug fixes every month did nothing to XP, hence my move to OS X. So, ok i assumed that this will be the same case with vista, but considering the fact that (i think) concept viruses have already been written, and that microsoft really are up against the clock; i think that for at least the first year vista will be hellish.
    After that, ok, maybe things will change, but it seems to me that this isn't the biggest upgrade ever (i'm an end user, and mainly use PC's for web-browsing and school work, so i haven't seen any major good things in vista) and microsoft have struggled to get it out. (sorry kinda off topic)

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  • blahblah100
    Mar 31, 03:54 PM
    It's because of the Buy One Get One option. Nothing more. People choose that option because it makes financial sense and if they don't really care about the OS or the phone, they will choose the one that fits their check books. If Apple was to OK ATT and VZ to do a Buy One Get One on the iPhone, there would be no comparison. It would be game over for Android.


    Ironically, most of the people on this forum said iPhone on Verizon would be game over for Android.

    This 'game over for Android' reminds me a lot of the 'this is the year of desktop linux' stuff that has been said every year for the last 9.

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 19, 02:57 PM
    For Q1/11 aprox. 15% for Apple.

    Q4/10 numbers were:

    Again: Apple sold 3 million more devices in Q4/10 than they did in Q3/10 (16 million compared to 13 million in total numbers) but they lost 0.7% marketshare in that 3 month (Q3/10: 16.7% marketshare, see first graph, Q4/10: 16.0%, see above).


    What about this:

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  • cloudnine
    Aug 25, 04:35 PM
    Over the years I have bought a lot of computers for my business from a lot of different venders. To be honest Apple hardware support has never impressed me! :mad: I have actually had much better support from Dell than from Apple.

    As far as .Mac goes it is one of the most poorly supported systems I have ever used in my life. They have a lousey limited faq sheet, common problems, email support is pitiful, and they don't take voice support. .Mac is a joke for $100.00 a year.

    In general Apple's entire help system in OS X sucks. Searchs within the context of an application gives you all kinds of crap from every application on the system. Also there is no depth to the system. If your problem isn't the most elementary problem possible (99% of which you can figure out yourself) then it won't be in any of the help files.

    Just out of curiosity... what kind of problems could you possibly have with .mac? I mean, I've never had any email problems, Setting it up in Mail is as simple as possible... the online interface is simple...

    I dunno... hearing people complain about customer service regarding .mac seems funny to me. What types of problems have you had with it?

    Granted, there are problems with the mac hardware. but till date, I've found apple tech support excellent. They have always replaced my hardware with no questions asked. In fact, they replaced my whole LCD screen on my 3 year old powerbook just because of a white spot.

    I wish I had such luck. Apparently if you have a 15" powerbook, they'll replace that display with no questions asked. I have a 12" powerbook without a single scratch on it that i treat like a baby... but apparently it's my fault because i put too much pressure on it... even though i use a sleeve in a cushioned pocket of a cushioned bag. o_O

    ergh. :mad:

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  • ugp
    Jun 9, 02:49 PM
    I am probably going to Radio Shack since I use to Manage one and my best friend is still a Manager at a local store. They are more than likely opening at 6AM and where I live the nearest AT&T store is 30 minutes away and Apple store is 1-1/2 hours away.

    I am not sure if I am doing the trade in or not since I have a 16GB 3GS recently replaced by Apple so it's Like New but I really don't want to mess with eBay just to make a couple of extra dollars on it over the Trade-In price.

    As for Upgrade Fees I am not concerned since I know the AT&T Rep for the Radio Shack still and I can get it waived regardless. I am sure Radio Shack will work something out and give some sort of incentive because Wireless is their main focus and biggest money maker right now.

    I will agree with most everyone else though that Radio Shack has a bad name for itself because of their employees not being helpful and that comes down to the Manager at fault. When I was Manager I ran a tight ship and my store was there to serve the customers walking in and to solve their problems regardless where they bought their product. Stores forget what Customer Service is about. If it were for my best friend still the Manager there I would not be going to a Radio Shack to purchase my new iPhone. I would probably go to the AT&T store like I did with the rest of the iPhones I purchased. Where you purchase doesn't really matter because the warranty will be the same and have the same process.

    I just called a local store here in SC and this was pretty much all confirmed. His computer system was down, so he didn't have the info in front of him, but he said it would run pretty much like the EVO did, with a $50 downpayment for the pre-orders. Unfortunately he wasn't yet sure if all stores would be doing pre-orders or just the "in-stock" stores. I'll call back Monday to see if that store can get me a phone on the 24th, since it's close to my work. We'll see, I guess.

    I was told the same $50 Down-Payment via a Radio Shack Gift card would be the process more than likely like they did with the Evo. And if a Pre-Order is placed you will receive your phone launch day. The shipments will arrive at the store on the 23rd. This source came from the Store Manager. No Memo yet has been issued to them, only verbal information from the DM via a Conference Call after the iPhone was announced.


    32gb 3GS = $315.00 compared to radioshacks $279

    Personally i would try ebay, theyre going for about 400-500, thast 100-200 dollars more. Spoke to radioshack managers and they charge the upgrade fee, ATT and Apple and best buy are waiving upgrade fee.

    Early Upgrade fee also available at all retail locations, Wal-mart, apple, att, radioshack, best buy

    I would not ever go to a Best Buy myself and purchase a Cell Phone. They have no incentive to sell you anything really. An AT&T Store would be a better choice if you have no Apple Stores local. Best Buy and Wal-Mart would be my last option hands down. I would rather go somewhere that the employee makes commission and has more of a reason to serve and help you with your purchase than someone that is being paid hourly to be there. Apple Store is an exception here.

    That's "THE SHACK" to you sir! Sorry, I still can't over this crappy, crappy branding decision of theirs to call themselves "The Shack." Really?

    When I watched basketball performances, it was from "The Shack." When I was 12, I had my porno hidden in "The Shack." And when I was 15 and in the Boy Scouts and I went camping/boating, I took a crap in "The Shack." But, when I was 16 and built a home-made rocket, I got my parts from "RADIO SHACK."

    I agree with you, I am glad I quit Radio Shack before they transitioned to all this new stuff. The reason I see they are rebranding is because they no longer are in the Radio business and want to move along with the Technology and keep up. The parts they were known for selling when they started is just not a high demand market and is hard to target.

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  • baryon
    Apr 10, 08:22 AM
    I'm all in for something new in Video Editing. I find that FCP is way too old and clunky, and Premiere is the same thing with a better interface. I rarely use the Viewer anymore, and I hate having to render. I hate the various pixel aspect ratios and formats there are, including PAL and NTSC. I still think tape cameras are the best in quality, but the practicality of recording on a card or a hard drive will soon beat that.

    There has to be a performance and workflow improvement, as syncing sound to video precisely is near impossible due to the huge amounts of lag.

    This sounds like an interesting update!

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  • tobio
    Aug 7, 06:46 PM
    The time machine features are just like salvage files on our old netware servers (before we "upgraded" to win2k3 with the quite embarressingly bad volume shadow copies). Obviously time machine is prettier, but the way it worked on netware was that all files whenever they are overwritten or deleted sit inbetween space. You can go into filer or use the right click menu to go back to previous versions of files unless you have purged them. This feature would turn off when you get down to 10% free space remaining.

    If time machine lets you preview the contents of documents before you restore them, instead of going restore... is it that one? nope, try this one? nope... ah here we go found it. then hot damm thats a slick new feature

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  • Cruzer442
    Apr 11, 11:52 AM
    My 3Gs contract ends in June and Apple will be pushing it's luck for me to go half a year without me being tempted to jump platforms instead of waiting for the iPhone 5.
    I'm in this boat to. I'm noticing my battery life is deteriorating also - never owned an iPhone this long. Also my GF has Verison Droid that just kicks my ass; better reception, faster, cool apps -e.g. voice to SMS. I can wait until July but late fall? IDK.

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  • MattSepeta
    Apr 27, 12:16 PM
    These people never stop do they? I don't remember anyone asking bush or any other president about their educational records, plus the one time they shed light on bush's military record it just seemed to disappear into thin air.

    At least new the president's chances of getting re-elected in 2012 just skyrocketed.

    A few things.... Hilary did get the ball rolling before Obama was nominated...

    And all presidents are plagued by these wacky conspiracy theories... GWB had his military service issues and the truther movement, WJC had "Clinton Bodycount" (arguably more insane and dark than the birther thing), Kennedy had plenty, etc...

    What I dont understand is the "outrage" we are seeing over this. People claim Obama is not a citizen. Ok, well its crazy sounding, but its not dark or destructive. How about the truther movement? That is pure insidiousness.


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  • sehix
    Nov 28, 09:44 PM
    Actually, they do. They also got paid on every blank tape sold when cassettes were big. I think it is crazy for everyone to think that the music industry is greedy when it getting squeezed out of all of their revenue streams.

    Actually, they aren't. They're making noises like it's happening, which isn't the same thing.

    Apr 20, 03:27 PM
    They're similar enough that an average person should be able to make a connection. Apple is filing a lawsuit against Samsung that doesn't have much chance of sticking, but that's not even the point, they want to scare Samsung into a settlement in all likelihood.

    Think deeper. They're more similar than you think they are.

    What makes you say it has no chance of sticking? Have you read the complaint? I have. I also read the ITC filings. They're not alike at all. The claims cover different IP, and even different TYPES of IP.

    Aug 27, 01:38 PM
    Just a few hours left, let's hope we see new MacBook Pros tomorrow, I think we'll see the new iMacs with Merom in Paris, because it's a very good announcement for consumers, and get the Pro MB's tomorrow.

    As in Paris Expo? Cause I do believe that apple aren't going to be making a keynote speech. And won't make any annoucements at all or am I still believing in old news proved wrong?

    Aug 11, 03:55 PM
    No, not EVERYONE. I own 4 cell phones. By your logic, I would be counted as 4 people.

    Only if you have an active subscribtion on all of them. That's the number the graph behind the link shows.

    BTW, DoCoMo has over 50m subscribers, almost as much as CDMA in the US. And they are much more keen to renew their mobiles in Japan so Apple might make a smart move by making the iPhone available for DoCoMo subscribers before CDMA subscribers.

    Aug 17, 10:08 AM
    (sideshow bob)The Power PC...The!!!(/sideshow bob)

    (silent bob)***** Power PC(/silent bob)

    Note: OK, that reference is probably super obscure. Kevin Smith (aka Silent Bob) said in a commentary for one of his early LaserDiscs "***** DVD", obviously before the format took off the way it did).

    Apr 19, 07:45 PM
    I saw that too.. a chick in our office loves her GaxTab... but that's a definite iBooks cloner...
    I also had to joke about her reason for buying it,.... to back up her PC files and transport them from office to home n vice-versa... ;)

    It's even better when you see them making phone calls on their GTab.

    Oh, and the GTab 2 is going 10" now. wow. Not very surprising huh?

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