Tuesday, May 24, 2011

black and white cat with blue eyes

black and white cat with blue eyes. lue eyes, lack and white
  • lue eyes, lack and white

  • jordo
    Nov 28, 08:46 PM
    I think we all saw this coming with Microsoft setting Apple up for this with their feeble Zune; I'm not surprised. I mean it is not like Microsoft is actually going to pay up, as they would have to actually sell a unit before they did that, ha!

    Universal has it coming if they think that the leading digital media player manufacturer is going to dish out money to them for a product whose production/ingenuity they have nothing to do with. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe that Sony ever paid $10 to each music company for each CD player they sold. This is like forcing Apple to pay a fee to the manufacturer of my desk because my iBook sits on it. Jobs has no reason to give in. Apple holds 75% of the cards in the US market alone, and if other people want in on the action, they should consider themselves lucky if they are chosen. I smell a boycott...

    black and white cat with blue eyes. lack and white cat with lue
  • lack and white cat with lue

  • gnasher729
    Aug 17, 03:57 AM
    [QUOTE=jicon]Lots of stuff on Anandtech about the poor memory performance on the Intel chipset./QUOTE]

    FB Dimms are not designed to give maximum bandwidth to one chip, they are designed to give maximum bandwidth to _four_ cores. Instead of having _one_ program running to test memory bandwidth, they should have started four copies of it and see what happens. That is what you have doubled front side bus, buffered memory and two separate memory units for. The biggest criticism in the past against Intel multi-CPU systems was that the memory bandwidth didn't scale; in the Mac Pro, it does.

    black and white cat with blue eyes. adorable lue eyes kitten
  • adorable lue eyes kitten

  • cult hero
    Mar 26, 03:59 PM
    Details found here :


    Gist of it :

    - less features than Samba
    - no more Active Directory Services
    - Just file sharing now.

    Samba developers have also noted that the true motive behind this move might not be the GPLv3 per say, but a more global move away from the GPL. Is Apple moving to close the source on more and more of OS X ?

    Anyway, Samba v4 could have given them all the "features" they implemented and much more. Their own in-house version won't necessarily be better just because it's written by Apple. The Samba team does a great job with what Microsoft puts out as documentation (if you can even call it that).

    Note that from the article, this change only impacts OS X Server. The client was already an in-house solution.

    Ick. None of that is good news. Although their current implementation of Samba is old anyway. Things aren't going to get worse... they're just not going to get any better. That's a bummer.

    Looks like I'll continue using Linux for my domain controllers then. (Not that I take issue with this.)

    Personally, I think it's GPL3. Apple isn't the only company reacting negatively to it. Who knows though? I certainly don't.

    On the upside that means Apple won't advertise that their server will work as a domain controller anymore which they do now despite the fact that nowhere do they say, "Hey, only old NT4 style domains that don't work for modern Windows clients."

    black and white cat with blue eyes. with lack hair lue eyes.
  • with lack hair lue eyes.

  • EvilEvil
    Apr 8, 02:56 AM
    Why anyone would buy anything from Best Buy (no matter what they purchase there) is beyond me.

    black and white cat with blue eyes. sparkling aqua lue eyes.
  • sparkling aqua lue eyes.

  • mweingar
    Apr 6, 02:43 PM
    I purchased a Xoom over the weekend it's a great device, a little heavy, but very awesome for its first pass. I used to own an iPad 1, gave it away, didn't want an iPad 2. Why do I need two devices of the same OS where the UI was designed for the iPhone (smaller device) to begin with? I love the versatility of honeycomb, widgets are phenomenal on a large tablet screen. Everything is great about the interface so far, although there are a few things here and there which make no sense, but I'm sure they'll fix that. I ran into some bugs, called Moto support, they troubleshooted with me, fixed it and were really cool about it. As far as hardware, the materials are great, but definitely Motorola needs to learn a thing or two about button placement. They put the sleep/wakeup button on the back of the device. I used to like to hit the home button on the iPad to wake it up and do stuff (while I was having a bowl of cereal for example), with the Xoom I can't do that, I HAVE to pick up the device. Another interface/hardware awkwardness are the volume buttons and I cannot find a way to change volume within the device itself, unless I press the volume hardware buttons a window will popup.

    Other than that, I can live with all this, and the device is extremely awesome and a fresh feeling of a new UI the way it should be done for a tablet.

    You list ONE issue with the iPad, that it looks too much like the iPhone, and then go on to a laundry list of issues on the Xoom that culminates in a tech support call and THAT is your preferred device?

    Rock on winner. I have a bridge I want to sell you.

    black and white cat with blue eyes. 0022A761.jpg. Portrait of a
  • 0022A761.jpg. Portrait of a

  • richard4339
    Sep 18, 11:42 PM
    I still think it's funny that everyone thinks these Macbook Pros are "long overdue" - when, exactly, did the FIRST Dell laptop with C2D ship? I thought it was supposed to be around tomorrow...but surely it couldn't have been before last Monday or so at the earliest.

    So that's, what? A week behind in the worst case scenario? Oh God...

    However - if they waited till November, then yeah, I'd agree that they were overdue...:)

    Dell has staggered release dates. Today began shipping for the lower end Merom processors (2.0 and 2.16ghz)... the highest end 2.33ghz one was shipping October 1.

    black and white cat with blue eyes. green eyes all her clan.
  • green eyes all her clan.

  • Moyank24
    Feb 28, 09:08 PM
    Well, it's certainly sweeping drama based on fiction. Like so many Oscar winners, it's also a bit of vapid fluff that people will view and quickly forget. Frankly, I didn't mean to imply any excellence other than at making completely unfounded generalizations.

    Are you saying you think people program themselves to be gay? Or is it based on what cartoons they watch as a kid? Maybe lack of a father figure? Tell us more, Doc!

    I'm pretty sure I figured it out.

    I watched Wonder Woman too much as a kid! :eek:

    black and white cat with blue eyes. white cat with lue eyes
  • white cat with lue eyes

  • citizenzen
    Mar 17, 10:44 AM
    Yet another war, yet another military action which will inevitably cause 'blow-back', started by a man who sold himself to you as a military dove.

    While I might agree with some of things you said, I do have to take exception to this point. How did Obama sell himself as a "military dove"?

    He campaigned on getting out of Iraq, while escalating our campaign in Afghanistan. And promises to close Gitmo had more to do with due process than it did pacifism.

    So please 5P, provide some evidence on how Obama sold himself as a "dove".

    And please, let's dispense with your ridiculous "both parties are the same line". Is that a pickle in your pocket, or are you just happy to see Newt Gingrich?

    black and white cat with blue eyes. She has some lack spots on
  • She has some lack spots on

  • BRLawyer
    Jul 15, 08:15 AM
    well, that looks a real mess.. but I suppose it's a good idea since heated air tends to rise.. :-)

    Looks like a real mess, indeed...and the PC-clone industry continues with its "leading-edge" case designs and cooling techniques...may I have another Apple, please? :rolleyes:

    black and white cat with blue eyes. lack and white cat with lue
  • lack and white cat with lue

  • jackc
    Aug 8, 05:16 AM
    I hope there's been a significant overhaul in Spotlight, beyond what Steve hinted at already. There was no video demo on the website, so hopefully that's the case. It was a really underdeveloped feature in Tiger.

    black and white cat with blue eyes. white Cat, green and lack
  • white Cat, green and lack

  • JFreak
    Aug 8, 04:05 AM
    Looks like this will be a significant upgrade. Tiger was not what it was promised to be, in my eyes at least, so now I'm thinking they have finally made it better than Panther.

    Let's see...

    black and white cat with blue eyes. Sale, lue lack-and-white-cat
  • Sale, lue lack-and-white-cat

  • ggbrown
    Mar 31, 04:09 PM
    I'm a sysadmin and we use Ubuntu for our office fileserver. However, if you want other enterprise level software (e.g. Backup software) on Open Source systems, you have to choose a different system (Open SUSE in our case).

    Sure, it's great....it's all free...but now we have multiple platforms to support. All Linux distros are NOT the same.

    Android is suffering what Windows does.....an OS that is supposed to support a multitude of platforms, which will all come with varying success.

    Open = Good in theory, not so good in real life.

    black and white cat with blue eyes. Black and white tuxedo cat
  • Black and white tuxedo cat

  • bibbz
    Jun 8, 09:57 PM
    RadioShack store manager here and i have some very interesting information if you guys don't already know this. Please quote this as much as possible to get the word out.

    We offer a trade in program. We offer the most money on a trade in on the iPhones. As of 9:42pm on 6/8/10 these are the values...

    These prices are taken off instantly from what you purchase(no mail in rebates) or applied to a gift card instantly. Your choice.
    3Gs 32Gb - $271
    3Gs 16Gb - $210
    3G 16Gb - $149
    3G 8Gb - $118
    The older models are on the website as well, look for yourself...

    That means if you are eligible for the $199 price and trade in your 16gb 3Gs, we will instantly (no mail in rebates) take $210 off the $199 for the iPhone 4 and you will have a $10 balance either applied on a gift card, to the taxes, or towards an accessory, whatever you prefer.

    Intrigued yet? Now follow me here...
    Not sure if this will be the same policy on the iPhone 4, but the way its set up right now: The day you do an upgrade to any phone, you are immediately eligible for an "Early iPhone Upgrade". That means ATT tacks on a $200 early upgrade fee.

    If you are currently not eligible for an upgrade, but eligible for an "Early iPhone Upgrade" (You will be, you always are, again even if you did an upgrade 5 minutes ago.) Now, that $199 iPhone 4 becomes $399. You can trade in your current model towards that $399 price.

    Trade in a 16Gb 3Gs and the $399 Early upgrade on the iPhone 4 is now $189. If you need to, take a sec and read this again so you fully understand.

    This is 100% accurate except there has been no announcement made for the "Early iPhone Upgrade" continuing on the iPhone 4. I very strongly believe it will. Also, the trade in values may drop a tad when the iPhone 4 launches, but look at the current prices we give on 3G's and original iPhones, it is still very good. You are not gonna get "eBay money" but you get a respectable amount and it is all taken care of instantly in the store. SPREAD THE WORD!!

    Now, What do you think about getting your iPhone 4 at the shack? I'll see you there... :)

    black and white cat with blue eyes. tags: cat kitten lue eyes
  • tags: cat kitten lue eyes

  • cmcgivern
    Jun 15, 02:51 PM
    Radio Shack is no longer doing Pre-orders...I was told there are no more iPhones available for them...

    The Best Buy in my area is doing a $50 Pre-order but it's BS...The $50 doesn't go towards the iPhone...You're still going to have to pay full price (not guaranteed that you will get one on launch) and the $50 that was originally paid will be returned to you as a gift card. Are you serious????

    black and white cat with blue eyes. white cat with yellow eyes
  • white cat with yellow eyes

  • manu chao
    Apr 27, 08:40 AM
    Funny comment from Engadget:

    Q: Why is my iphone tracking me?
    A: It's not. It's tracking networks and cell towers near wherever you go.

    Q: What is the difference between tracking me, and tracking the towers wherever I happen to go? Isn't that the same thing?
    A: No. Because it's crowd-sourced. Total crowd size = 1.

    Q: Umm. Ok? Soo. Why have you been keeping logs for the past year?
    A: That was a bug.

    Q: Then why was it unencrypted?
    A: That was a bug.

    Q: Right. Then why when I opted out did it ignore my choice?
    A: That was a bug.

    I think is quite conceivable that keeping those logs forever, not encrypting them, maintaining them despite an opt out, and not removing the timestamps was done in the spirit of: "Let's keep the data, maybe they will be useful at some point, and why bother do encrypt them, that is just some extra lines of code to write."
    And it is this spirit which is somehow worrying.

    black and white cat with blue eyes. Black And White Persian Cats
  • Black And White Persian Cats

  • NY Guitarist
    Apr 6, 10:50 AM
    SB processor is great. I hope it has a backlit keyboard.

    But I thought integrated graphics typically were not very good, and some software won't even work with it.

    Apple giveth, Apple taketh away.

    black and white cat with blue eyes. looks:gray w/ lue eyes
  • looks:gray w/ lue eyes

  • MacBoobsPro
    Jul 20, 08:43 AM
    I got it...

    Octopros :D

    black and white cat with blue eyes. she-cat with lue eyes of
  • she-cat with lue eyes of

  • Rodimus Prime
    Feb 28, 08:15 PM
    According to the school's website (http://www.chc.edu/News/2011/February/statement_regarding_jim_st_george/), he was not fired as the OP's article suggests. Rather, his contract was not renewed. AFAIK, adjunct instructors do not enjoy the same privileges as tenured professors. If his contract ran out and was simply not renewed, then that's that, unless it can be argued that the college has some legal obligation to offer a new contract.

    well assuming what you say is true then every legal right to do so. Hell it could of been that he should never of been hired and HR screwed up and hired someone that did not meet all the requirements. They honor the contract up until it was time to renew it and they did not intend to renew it to fix the mistake.

    I will say we can expect a lot of adjunct instructors/professors to be out of work soon because univerisities are being forced to cut cost and those are the first ones to go.

    black and white cat with blue eyes. cat with ice lue eyes.
  • cat with ice lue eyes.

  • guffman
    Aug 5, 10:15 PM
    Do you have any feel for when we will see a roll-out of the pro apps? I recall quite a bit of rumor-mongering just before the Intel announcement. Since then it has been rather silent. I thought the sudden drop in Quake might be a precursor to something fairly soon??

    Are you talking about the price drop on Shake? And besides the CS products what Pro apps are you talking about?

    Apr 25, 01:42 PM
    I dont understand how anyone would get the info from your phone.

    Mar 17, 02:03 PM
    OK, I confess, "shut down" was a slight exaggeration.

    Actually, not at all.

    NAPOLITANO: Would it be good fiscally and philosophically if the government did shut down for a few weeks and the American people could see life would go on without the federal government for a little while?

    PAUL: I don’t think it would hurt one bit. If an individual can’t pay their rent on time, they might ask their landholder to say “look, I’ll be there next week.” They adjust. The owner and the renter adjust. This is the way the government should adjust. If they can’t pay their bills, wait. But they are afraid the world would panic and the world would come to an end. But it would be an admission that we’re in big trouble. But we are in big trouble. But to deny it and to continue to spend and continue to inflate and waiting for the bond bubble to burst, that doesn’t make sense to me.

    Aug 8, 07:12 PM
    i don't know, i still think the Gran Turismo series is the best as far as real driving simulation. by far. and the number of copies sold backs that up
    given that its been out for 10 years, i think it would have sold a fair few no matter what :rolleyes: i preferred GT3 A-Spec over anything else.

    yeah i still might pre-order the special edition one. i'm not sure yet
    do we have an official date yet? or will that be pushed back too :D

    Jun 14, 08:55 PM
    My local RS said they were on a conference call at 5:30 pm EST for the latest info. He said they will take preorders at 1 pm on 6/15 BUT that is only taking a name and number, it is not a reservation or guarantee of a phone on the 24th. He had no idea how many phones they will actually receive. I don't think I will bother signing up.

    One question I forgot to ask is if they will still buy my 3G phone? He earlier told me there would be a $100 floor for trade-ins from 6/24 to 7/24 but I don't know if that requires a phone purchase too.

    Aug 27, 11:42 PM
    I don't think we're going to see Merom in the MacBook Pros tomorrow. Of course, I'm HOPEING. If they were annouced tomorrow, it would make not only my day, but my month! I've been waiting since June and was expecing it at WWDC. So I'm keeping my fingers crosses 100%. If the're annouced tomorrow, I'm going to order it withen the first 5 minuts of me finding out.

    Hopefully this will be my order.
    15" MacBook Pro
    2GB Ram
    256MB VRAM

    +BT Mighty Mouse (x2)
    BT Keyboard
    Some sort of bag for the MBP
    D-Link USB Bluetooth drive

    *Crosses fingers*

    Why are you buying the DLink Bluetooth thingy?

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