Friday, May 20, 2011

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  • stoid
    Aug 6, 09:57 PM
    I'm at work tomorrow too, but seeing as my 'boss'/co-worker is also a huge Apple fanboy, and since the Keynote starts at noon local (CDST) I'm expecting that we'll fire up macrumorslive and eat lunch whilst get text updates. Too bad there's no live video tho...

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  • Tailpike1153
    Mar 22, 03:50 PM
    The chance that the iPod Classic is updated to 220GB is zero. Apple has no plans to ever update a hard drive based non-touch portable device (they would not waste their time), and they've shown even less interest in increasing the capacity of any device beyond even 64GB flash.


    Is Apple's 64GB falsh memory ceiling a reflection of the market place or that Apple is now run by profit hungry cheapskates?

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  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Sep 21, 04:32 PM
    Who. freaking. cares.

    Honestly, people are so worried about the principle of the matter (I shouldn't have to use a case! I shouldn't have to change how I hold it!) that they've completely missed whether it actually really makes for a worse experience. For me, it absolutely does not.

    I also still don't get how CR can give it the highest overall rating and not recommend it.

    I don't get how people can get so freaking upset over what CR has to say one way or the other. I mean they come into this thread saying they don't care, but they must to waste their time telling everyone else how much they don't care. :eek:

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  • BRLawyer
    Apr 19, 03:31 PM
    This is What I Wanna See:

    iMac 27" (Quad Core)
    $1,999.99 (Base)

    Mac OS X 10.7 Lion

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  • jettredmont
    Apr 12, 10:25 PM
    This all started just because I said I hope Final Cut doesn't turn into iMovie. Somehow that turned into iMovie is pro and Final Cut is the Model T of editing.

    No, no one said iMovie was Pro. You said you didn't want FCP to take the same "backward step" iMovie did. The hue and cry here is that, where we stand now, iMovie is a far more capable editor than iMovie HD ever was, and has room to grow where iMovieHD did not. It was NOT a step backwards.

    Your rebuttal has been that iMovie is not pro, but that's obvious. iMovie HD was not pro (and was significantly less capable than iMovie today is in terms of precision editing, audio work, etc).

    For my hobby work (NOT pro), I went from a die-hard Final Cut Pro user (I worked for Apple and got a hell of a discount on FCStudio) to an iMovie user with the past two revs of iMovie. I tried and simply could not use iMovie HD for what I wanted to do. I hit some barriers with iMovie today, but nothing like the crap that iMovie HD and before gave me.

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  • know-it-all5
    Jul 18, 10:18 AM
    I'm sufficiently excited. Here's hoping for higher quality (than the current TV shows).

    if there will be a true video ipod coming out in the nearer future apple is forced to offer better quality. Bigger screen=Better Quality

    Apple offers these shows etc. for the ipod (the availability to use these on our computer is a freebie) thus the current quality is fine for the current ipod's screen.

    I have a feeling any new videos being added to the store around the new ipod release will also likely be widescreen. This will be needed!!!

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  • Tymmz
    Sep 1, 02:12 PM
    You what? Well I guess its a matter of opinion but a 17" with a decent resolution is plenty! Heck, I even know people who use a 15" MBP as a desktop replacement. :)

    i use a 12'' PB as my "desktop replacement". but if i want a "real" desktop 17'' would be way to small. why not get a laptop in the first place, if you are willing to go with a 17'' desktop.

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  • DoFoT9
    Mar 5, 05:17 PM
    this is for F@H right? im keen to start up with my numerous amounts of computers.

    where do i start? everything is all console based :(

    oh wait its an installer thingo.. it wants a key hekp1

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  • popelife
    Jan 4, 03:55 PM
    I may just go with BootCamp, Windows, Adobe, but that means buying Windows, BootCamp, and I�m concerned about conflicts.

    Use Boot Camp and your Mac is a Windows PC, just like any other (although arguably nicer to look at ;) ). Any "conflicts" will be precisely the same conflicts that you'd get on a PC laptop.

    BTW, right-clicking on an Apple notebook is now awesome! The "two-fingers on trackpad" click is great, and actually easier than having two buttons IMO.

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  • MacVixen
    Apr 11, 10:46 AM
    Learned to drive using a manual transmission and for about 15 years afterwards all of my cars were manuals. Been driving automatics for the past several years - it's fine, but I do miss the "fun" of driving a manual and would love to have one again. As some have noted, it's getting more difficult to find manual transmissions in the US, especially with the suburban "mom" cars I drive these days :D

    I recall going over with a friend to the UK and renting a car to drive from London to Edinburgh to Wales and back to London again. It was a manual transmission and at first I was :eek: at the idea of driving a stick with my left hand, but it actually worked out quite fine.

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  • janstett
    Mar 23, 09:31 AM
    The chance that the iPod Classic is updated to 220GB is zero. Apple has no plans to ever update a hard drive based non-touch portable device (they would not waste their time), and they've shown even less interest in increasing the capacity of any device beyond even 64GB flash.


    Wasn't there a decrease from 160 to 120? But I see now it's back to 160.

    I'd like to see Apple take it to the next level -- 500gb - 1TB. I have a 500gb Archos (as well as two 240gb iPods) and none of them makes it past an altitude of 33,000 songs.

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  • zedsdead
    Jan 13, 04:03 PM
    Apple will NOT do that, however, remember the collapsing port patent filed by Apple?

    Apple is supposed to be building an Ultra-Portable. Ethernet takes up space. I seriously doubt it will be in the Macbook Air or whatever apple decides to call it. Wifi will be enough. This laptop is not ment to be a main computer.

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  • Tonsko
    Jan 6, 05:36 PM
    Heh. I used to use 98/99 until about a year ago. Fuel is just too expensive now. I know my golf's ECU adjusts the timing automatically depending on what octane level the fuel is. It shouldn't really matter.

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  • Ted Witcher
    Mar 22, 05:40 PM
    Oh, wait, I see. Voyager.

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  • SMM
    Jan 11, 09:46 PM
    I really couldn't care less about the sales.

    Think about it, if the iPhone doesn't sell, would that put in doubt the fact that it is the best thing out?

    Was there a point here I missed?

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  • twoodcc
    Jan 23, 12:36 AM
    Thanks. points will be down for a bit cuz of power and internet outage caused by too much ICE. I will get everything going again tonight when I get home.

    i hear ya. it seems we all are having problems lately.

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  • surroundfan
    Sep 6, 09:19 AM
    They are expensive, with a lack of hard disc capacity when compared against the new iMacs and existing PowerBooks ( which I'm sure are also about to go Dual Core 2.

    The latest pathetic Mac Mini upgrade continues to highlight the idiocy of the decision to build a cheap 'switcher' computer using expensive notebook parts.

    For the foreseeable future, compared to your cheap desktop from the purveyors of fine beige boxes, the Mac Mini will lack HDD space, CPU speed, expandability, decent optical drives, and the low, low price tag of the machines it is (supposed) to compete against...

    (Yes, we understand why we should buy a Mac, but most folks are only interested in raw numbers. Remember this is theoretically supposed to be Apple's answer to the cheap crap piled high and sold cheap in the WalMarts and Harvey Normans of the world).

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  • Goldfinger
    Sep 5, 08:36 AM
    Go to and you'll see there is a blank space next to the 30 inch Cinema Display ad.

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  • VPrime
    Jan 5, 08:50 PM
    Avoid that BMW like the plague.

    German + high miles = no way

    Been there, done that, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Shame on me.

    I'd rather take my chances with an old pile of an American car, because at least it will be cheaper to fix constantly.

    Old BMWs are great if you like $1000 surprises. For the price you'll pay in repairs, you could have a car 2.5 times more expensive with a regular, planned, budgeted payment.
    I am not to worried about that. I can do my own repairs, my last cars were major project cars. I have done pretty much everything (engine swaps, transmission swaps, etc.). Parts are not much more than I am used to, and since I won't be paying for labour does not really affect me.
    Plus this guy seems like he really takes care of the car.

    It depends on whether the car has received regular maintenance or not. There is no substitute for a thorough pre-purchase inspection by a competent BMW shop.

    I am the original owner of my 330Ci and over the life of the car my average annual maintenance costs, excluding tires, have been $1300. The car is coming up on 9 years old and has a bit over 100k miles on it. I plan to keep the car for a good long while as I continue to enjoy owning and driving it.

    The E46 forum on ( is generally a good source of information. Review the wiki ( before asking questions. There aren't a whole lot of questions that haven't already been asked and answered many times and the wiki is intended to forestall those.

    Thanks for the info.
    the guy looks like he really took care of the car (based on his ad). The pictures make it seem mint, and he says all maintenance has been done regularly.
    Obviously I will take a look in person and see how true it is.
    I found the bimmerforums site a few days ago and have been searching quite a bit. Nothing I am finding seems out of the ordinary, or something I haven't seen yet.

    Still trying to make an appointment with the guy and see it in person though.

    Oct 23, 09:19 PM
    I have been patiently waiting for the new macbook pro just as long as the rest of you, but i have had it, they are like 1.5 - 2 months behind their competitors now.. I am just about ready to drop the money and upgrade my PC desktop instead...they betttter hurrry! ;)

    Mar 28, 02:17 AM
    Again people saying you couldn't play with a touchscreen device without looking at it have no imagination or understanding. Definately within two years you will be shown to be horribly wrong on this point.

    You're sure about that? Considering the next Xbox isn't due for release till about 2015, and the PS4 probably later, and I'm pretty sure those systems will ship with controllers. The Kinect being an optional extra.

    And I seriously doubt the iPad will could be seen as a serious competitor to Games Consoles and PC gaming, in the same way my calculator is a competitor to my iPhone because it performs a same function, better than my iPhone does.

    Sep 19, 02:47 PM
    ok sounds great. post a link I'll buy that for 99c until I find something I really like.
    BTW What camera did you use to take the shot ? Makes it look much more than 99c

    And I used a Nikon D5000 with 50mm F/1.4G lens. :cool:

    Aug 16, 07:36 AM
    Wonder if the wireless ipod wont be the iphone.

    I'm thinking this too. I thnk the rumours of a new nano enclosure may also be the iphone. I guess we'll see but as Chundles points out this isn't the most reliable source of info (Digitimes).

    Aug 7, 08:01 AM
    One thing I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to see changed is the Network preference panel.

    I HATE, HATE, HATE it!

    On OSX clients its somewhat okay, but when you use OS X Server (yes, i know its the same) and you start setting up multi-homed boxes, using multiple ethernet connections, each with multiple IP addresses, it flippin sucks!

    You have to keep hitting Duplicate adapter, and its 1 IP per virtual adapter!
    Common Apple! 1 adapter, multiple IPs! Its easy, Microsoft lets you do it with a single look at the adapter list, you know what port you are actually configuring! Damn UI idiots need to rethink that one

    speaking of UI fixes, whats with Safari not scrolling the window when you are typing in a text box and the text box goes off the bottom of the window...grrrr

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