Tuesday, May 17, 2011

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  • Jay42
    Nov 27, 07:25 PM

    Silver iPod Classic 160 gb to replace the one I left in the bus seat pocket 6mo ago. $228 on Amazon.


    Shure SRH440 headphones to replace my broken Grado's but I needed something without leakage... $72 on Amazon.

    Both with free 2-day shipping with a "free trial" of Amazon Prime.

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  • nmrrjw66
    Apr 8, 05:00 PM
    Not just Obama's attack....yes, signed on, but there was a request for rebels. I don't have as issue with the West using their military power for support, but there should be an internal force that wants the change and us strong enough to at least use some force without the West.

    So why not Mexico? Mexico is experiencing way more violence than most of these Middle East countries yet their request for U.N. aid in 2009 was denied. They are on our doorstep and we are ignoring it for the most part even though we are partly to blame for the violence. The U.N. actually told Mexico just the other day to withdraw their own Military forces from the fight against the cartels.

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  • MacMan86
    Apr 23, 07:19 PM
    I'm not the one being quick to shout privacy invasion, it was on every tv news channel and news site...

    Every tv news channel and news site? I certainly wouldn't go that far. And anyway, most tech sites love to post sensationalist Apple stories because they know it draws in the most clicks and hence more ad revenue. Half of the rest just love to spread FUD. Other brits will probably know that from one of our papers called the Daily Mail. They love these kind of stories.

    I dug around the log files of Co Pilot (a popular sat nav app) a little while ago, discovered it kept a log of all the journeys I'd taken with it and the latitude and longitude of all the points along the way. It's not encrypted, it's backed up in iTunes and it's not being transmitted outside the iPhone from what I could tell - exactly the same as this story. Didn't particularly bother me and there's been no public outcry about it. The press love a story like this when it's got Apple's name on it

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  • thejadedmonkey
    Nov 28, 07:46 AM
    Congratulations, you just lost any arguments you wish to make. If Apple monitors are vastly overpriced for what you get, if you don't have any need for something that is superior to a regular consumer model, then why in the hell did you buy one?

    Maybe he got an apple one first and didn't like it (but who's going to trash it), or one was a gift, or perhaps he wanted to go with the whole apple-theme.. Maybe he has TWO computers.
    Why are you looking for a fight? I happen to have two different lava lamps. why? Because I can. thank you, don't bite my head off because I have two.

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  • Copy Justin Bieber Haircut

  • NameUndecided
    Apr 3, 01:01 AM
    It worked for me too on DP1. On DP2, I had to install Snow Leopard first.

    Ooh. Thought you were talking about the installs for both previews. I installed developer preview 2 over the first, so I didn't realize. It still doesn't sound very accurate to me.

    Forgive me -- this is what I'm understanding from you:
    DP1 can install onto a blank disk/partition.
    DP2 can't install on a blank disk/partition. Needs to install as an update on top of DP 1 or Snow Leopard. (?)

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  • gugy
    Nov 29, 11:09 PM
    Reading through all the expectations in this thread has me thinking that there are going to be some veeeery disappointed people on the day this is announced.

    I'm guessing it'll be something like Airport Express, but for video. With a Front Row interface and a remote. Watch videos from you iTunes library, browse the iTunes store, subscribe to video podcasts, watch streaming movie trailers. Maybe a built-in web browser. If we're lucky, it will be able to browse and play video from YouTube or other video sites. That's all I'm expecting, anyway.

    you are right for version 1.0.
    iTV will evolve into other many things as the time goes by. Just like iTunes 1.0 and look what iTunes is today.
    I agree with you that iTV will be very straight forward when it comes out, but the potential is there.

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  • iTravis
    Apr 26, 12:48 PM
    Yes Amazon jump on the "it's generic" bandwagon. :rolleyes:

    Please lets just keep this thread about the response and not "But how is it generic. . ." "Apple didn't create App. . ." "Well Amazon is right it's generic. . ."

    I don't think it's generic that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. I'm moving on.

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  • Carl Spackler
    Nov 29, 03:25 PM
    So long as iTV can reliably pull all of our media content from our PC/Mac, without it overloading iTunes/iPhoto, we'll be happy.

    Yes, support for more formats and codecs than iTunes currently plays friendly with would be welcome.

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  • nylonsteel
    Mar 23, 10:17 AM
    1 Terabyte Classic - not

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  • Jaro65
    Apr 3, 11:35 AM
    Really enjoyed the ad. The technology becomes transparent as it becomes more advanced.

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  • ddrueckhammer
    Jul 18, 09:48 AM
    This might get me to drop Netflix if it

    1. Is $3.99 or less for downloads (the cost of a new Blockbuster rental).
    2. Movies are at least DVD quality.
    3. Can be played via a Mac Mini or Airport Express AV hooked up to my TV.

    I would like to see bittorrent technology used to help cut the bandwidth costs for Apple and a queue system which automatically downloads the next movie in your queue and then deletes it at a specified time after you have played it. I will support this because if it works out then Apple will have the leverage to put $9.99 to keep movies on the store and I can still buy what I want for under $15 total after the rental.

    As for people not wanting to store large videos on their hard drives, it is the 21st century. I have 1/2 Terrabyte of storage in external hard drives. So do many others and that's alot of storage for DVD quality films. I just read an article the other day about some disk format that is being developed at Harvard that will hold 50Tb! Storage isn't an issue and I can see many people having media servers instead of DVD/CD collections in their homes in the future.

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  • daneoni
    Aug 29, 09:26 AM
    Very predictable. Just release the darn thing already!

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  • faroZ06
    Apr 3, 02:15 AM
    I just realized how bad "magical" sounded in that!!!

    Way to ruin the ad, whoever wrote that into the script :mad:

    Anyway I never see Apple ads on TV, and I don't know which channels they are on :confused:

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  • hogo
    Sep 15, 06:18 AM
    same here

    me three

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  • SuperCachetes
    Mar 23, 07:16 PM
    I think that one thing a lot of people have missed is a very palatable shift in how anti-gay groups are viewed after the passage of Prop 8. No longer is using your religious beliefs to deny civil rights to gays and lesbians seen as acceptable, it's now joined the ranks of racism and many hate groups who rightfully are not given an elevated place in a civilized society. Prop 8 has been called Stonewall 2.0, but I think it is more like the first Stonewall for those outside of the gay community. It woke a lot of people up to how the GLBT community is treated by an oppressive majority (in the last year they are no longer the majority, a tipping point has been reached and hopefully there is no turning back).

    Good point. The "Straight Stonewall."

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  • Doctor Q
    Mar 22, 04:58 PM
    I guess I'm glad about this news.

    However, I don't know anybody who has bought an iPod in the past couple of years.

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  • surroundfan
    Sep 6, 09:19 AM
    They are expensive, with a lack of hard disc capacity when compared against the new iMacs and existing PowerBooks ( which I'm sure are also about to go Dual Core 2.

    The latest pathetic Mac Mini upgrade continues to highlight the idiocy of the decision to build a cheap 'switcher' computer using expensive notebook parts.

    For the foreseeable future, compared to your cheap desktop from the purveyors of fine beige boxes, the Mac Mini will lack HDD space, CPU speed, expandability, decent optical drives, and the low, low price tag of the machines it is (supposed) to compete against...

    (Yes, we understand why we should buy a Mac, but most folks are only interested in raw numbers. Remember this is theoretically supposed to be Apple's answer to the cheap crap piled high and sold cheap in the WalMarts and Harvey Normans of the world).

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  • queshy
    Mar 25, 10:32 PM
    Cool :)

    Those are at least Ps2 quality graphics!

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  • mfram
    Feb 26, 02:31 PM
    So when will automakers sell a compact pickup with a 2 liter diesel in the US? I want a diesel pick up. But I don't want a behemoth that requires a ladder to enter and hogs 2/3 of a 2 car garage.:p

    I prefer diesel in a work truck for three reasons: torque, torque and torque.

    Don't know about trucks, but Volkswagon has been selling 2.0L 4-cyl diesel engines for a while. You can get a Jetta Wagon TDI.... but that's not quite the same as a truck.

    I personally own a Jetta TDI sedan. It's a nice engine.

    Jul 20, 06:58 AM
    I bet that Vista will run on several year old machines. You might not get all the bells and whistles, but I don't have all the bells and whistles of Tiger on this Mac Mini of mine either. And since just about all OEM's wil preload Vista on their machines, the sales-numbers will be HUGE. And then we have those who upgrade their existing machines.

    You are correct. Existing PCs will run Vista but without the Aqua-ripoff pretty interface. For the Aqua-ripoff (I refuse to call it anything else), that's where much more RAM and newer video cards come into play by necessity. So, essentially, you get two classes of Vista users (imagine having to write the "requirements" text for Windows software in the near-future; ugh), and a giant opportunity for the memory and video card companies, which are probably buying their magazine and Web banner ad space right now -- not that anybody should alert the media for such info.

    Oct 9, 06:08 PM
    Yup, but actually almost at 4mio with points of my old team combined ;)

    What I am shooting for is the #5 overall spot of the team, maybe by year end...

    Jan 2, 06:35 PM
    Did that not just happen ... :cool:

    Speed bump to one or more Mac lines

    Less likely:
    Major upgrade to Mac mini (video card upgrade) or MacBook Pro
    New Displays

    Major upgrade to any line other than mini or MBP

    :( How long ago were the MBPs updated? Because I'm looking to buy Jan/Feb and I'm not confident that the current spec is competitive. It at least needs a HD screen.

    Sep 17, 03:12 AM
    You're right. Making the consumer deal with their flawed product and not even apologizing for selling a fuxored product is VERY reasonable. :rolleyes:

    Yes, most users are right-handed. :rolleyes:

    Ok, you admit that CR gave it a fair review...more than fair. It's the highest-rate phone ever....

    A real fix.

    I'd call that reasonable given ALL iPhones have the problem. Some people don't experience the problem simply because they are right-handed and don't hold their hand over that part of the phone. That doesn't mean the phone isn't flawed. Would you want a car that has no transmission problems as long as you never shift into 3rd gear?

    "But you can SKIP 3rd and go straight to 4th! I always shift that way! I have NO problems with my car!" :rolleyes:

    I dunno. Some people think defective products ought to be fixed and not just given excuses by fanboys whose greatest daily activity is to light incense at Steve's alter in their basement. :eek:

    You can't mail a new part to owner and expect them to put it on. Your comparison is beyond absurd.

    They "sez" that do they? While I be sure and tellz 'um da truth, yo, not just hock Steve's warez fo him.

    I would say it's more like irony that certain people think that a consumer orientated magazine ought to ignore their base and give corporations free advertising and LIE to the consumer about flaws the products have and say they dont' exist and that everyone should buy their product while they take money under the table in the form of advertising (how most magazines accept "bribes" from corporate sponsors; just look in any stereo magazine. They won't ever badmouth advertisers' products because they know the advertisers won't buy any more ads from their magazine so you get bullcrap "reviews" that do nothing more than advertise for the company buying their ads instead of telling the consumer how it actually performs. CR does not do this. They don't take advertising for precisely that reason. It's a complete conflict of interests.

    But you seem to think CR should take Apple's dime (or just do it for free) and hide their defects and give a full recommendation on a product that is clearly defective and should have been recalled an FIXED not just covered up with cases that they no longer wish to include. Apple has given themselves bad PR on this issue by not doing what needs to be done, all in the name of saving them money when they've got more than enough cash to make things right for everyone. But why should they when they have groupies that go out on the web and make excuses for them 24/7?

    so the iphone 4 is their highest rated phone ever, based on their tests and they do not recommend it. Doesn't that mean they need to fix their rating system?

    Point is that it IS their best phone. So Apple set out to make the best phone and CR's own testing validates that!

    Looks to me like if you can't recommend your best product, then it isn't your best product!

    You like others who have bought into the google backed media campaign are totally dismissive of the top rating the phone actually got from CR and only focusing on the cannot recommend aspect. If CR cannot recommend their best product, then their rating system is flawed. End of story. Why should apple recall the top rated product in history!

    I am left handed and have absolutely no issues with the iphone 4.

    Sep 1, 12:30 PM
    My Guess:

    iMac 17" - 1299
    1.83 GHz
    512MB RAM
    160 SATA
    8x DL
    ATI x1600 - 128

    iMac 20" - 1699
    2.0 GHz upgradable to 2.16
    512MB RAM
    250 SATA
    8x DL
    ATI x1600 128 upgradable to 256 (As is already)

    iMac 23": 1900 x 1200 - 1999
    2.16 GHz upgradable to 2.33
    1 GB Standard
    250 SATA upgradable to 500 (as 17" and 20" is)
    8x DL
    ATI x1600 256
    FW 800

    I didn't say upgradable on 17" and 20" hard drives because we already know that.

    In a dream world I'd say the 23" vCard would go to the x1800 or something

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