Tuesday, May 24, 2011

justin bieber look alike theo cavalcanti

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  • Small White Car
    Apr 12, 09:17 PM
    What was the render dialog ?

    Basically: "You Wait While I Render."

    New one will apparently let you keep working while it renders in the background.

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  • razzmatazz
    Aug 6, 10:51 PM
    It's like hoping you get a red shiny new bike from santa on christmas morning!!

    I really hope they come out with a phone. I don't care about anything else!:rolleyes:

    How many people think that they actually will come out with a phone?:D

    The only reason they would announce a phone at WWDC is if it had OS X on it. Otherwise you won't see it till MWSF

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  • NathanMuir
    Mar 19, 05:52 PM
    More? No. This app says that homosexuals need help, a bit like alcoholics. That is far more offensive than farts or t&m.

    Hence I said 'IMO', as I was certain that some, if not most, users, such as yourself, would disagree.

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  • rezenclowd3
    Jan 28, 01:07 PM
    I like the idea of a pop-up navigation system!
    Less chance of theft or break-in

    And one more motor/slider mechanism to fail. I will stick with vehicles that don't have fancy shmancy electronics. Besides....its more weight ;-)

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  • csHokie
    May 3, 11:38 PM
    Uh, this comment is entirely wrong. With iOS, you can download something and move to another app and it will continue downloading in the background. The multitasking APIs have all the obvious backgrounding tasks covered and will likely include more if needed. Basically the goal is to allow background tasks when needed and when not needed let the app suspend and release resources to the apps you actually need. This method in iOS has proven to work far better than traditional operating systems like Mac OS X and Windows. That's why they are bringing it "Back to the Mac OS". The best parts of what they developed in iOS are being added in Lion.

    I think most people's problem is that they mistakenly viewed iOS as inferior in every way to Mac OS X but in many ways it is cutting edge and far better than OS X and Windows have ever been. The way iOS multitasking works is the reason very powerful and memory hungry apps like iMove and GarageBand for iPad work so surprisingly well on such a limited memory device. The apps get to use a much larger percentage of the CPU, GPU, and RAM than they do on traditional OSes under normal usage where you have multiple apps open.

    Yeah, it would work great for quick loading, full screen or minimized applications. I'm afraid it would fall apart most everywhere else... and they would have to have more background options than in iOS (can I listen on a socket for incoming connections in a daemon?). Anyway, I don't think they will get rid of the traditional <blank>top multitasking.

    Right now I have a bunch of tabs open in Safari on my Mac and it's consuming a little over 1GB of RAM and lots of CPU. If I switch to Photoshop, Safari is still going to be using up all that RAM and CPU I really need for Photoshop when I don't plan on using Safari again until later today. And I don't want to shut it down because I have a bunch things in these tabs that I want to get back to later today including partially typed forum replies, halfway read articles, etc. On the iPad, Safari would suspend and release the RAM and CPU to my currently used RAM/CPU hungry app. That's what they need to bring to Lion.

    Use Firefox and save tabs on exit...

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  • kwiiboy
    Apr 3, 02:11 PM
    Man. People complaining and I won't even get mine 'till the 28th. Looks like I won't be part of the fun.

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  • Riemann Zeta
    Apr 2, 01:32 PM
    As far as I know, Snow Leopard "fixed" what Leopard started. Mac OS X Lion is a completely new OS with new features, most of which are not present in Snow Leopard.
    haha, no chance. Tons of new features here. I can see Apple charging less than $129 if they go the App Store route, but if boxed retail is released I'm sure it'll be $129.

    Snow Leopard was a bigger upgrade than most people assumed--but only in an under-the-hood sense. The switch to a real 64bit system (with pure x64 kernel and extensions) was a big deal, albeit an invisible one. All the system core revisions, a 64bit finder and a $29 price made Snow Leopard a worthwhile update.

    As for all these "tons" of new features that would make Lion worth $129: I just don't see it. Smaller window controls, iOS buttons and scrollbars and a few other iOS-derived tweaks and features just don't seem like that massive of an upgrade. Auto-saving, application 'resuming' and iOS-like state-suspention don't make a whole lot of sense for a desktop OS (perhaps if a machine is all SSD-based, with no physical discs, these features will allow Apple to eliminate swap/VM). So all-in-all, Lion feels a whole lot like Snow Leopard: a collection of refinements and nice, subtle improvements.

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  • ipedro
    Apr 12, 08:35 PM
    Who thinks that they'll eliminate Final Cut Express and lower the price of Final Cut Pro? iMovie seems to serve the "express crowd" while FCP would be within reach of the semi-pro demographic if the price were around $300.

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  • BrianMojo
    Jul 19, 04:54 PM
    Wow, he basically just revealed they're working on an iPhone...

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  • Chupa Chupa
    Apr 3, 09:19 AM
    I feel like Apple could be saving some money here. Supplies are strained and there is a several week wait to get one. Do you really need more commercials right now?

    Of course they are making billions of dollars, so I am sure they know what they are doing. :D

    That is precisely why you have to run ads like this now... to remind people they want the iPad, even if they have to wait a few weeks, versus buying some other readily available tablet, which, on paper, looks as good or better than the iPad.

    It's the old adage... out of sight, out of mind. With supplies constrained gotta keep the iPad2 in people's heads.

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  • zap2
    Apr 8, 07:42 PM
    So why not Mexico? Mexico is experiencing way more violence than most of these Middle East countries yet their request for U.N. aid in 2009 was denied. They are on our doorstep and we are ignoring it for the most part even though we are partly to blame for the violence. The U.N. actually told Mexico just the other day to withdraw their own Military forces from the fight against the cartels.

    Well we are working with Mexico in a diplomatic sense....but you know, it's not a war zone, so bombing them isn't going to be effective.

    And putting troops on the ground in Mexico was never requested and would likely result in more fighting. The solution to Mexico's troubles are social, not through weapons.

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  • sam10685
    Aug 16, 07:19 AM
    well... i might as well give Apple and Nintendo my credit card number.

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  • dorramide7
    Oct 17, 11:48 PM
    I don't know of anyone having a problem with the new iphone! I know that it is possible to make the reception problem happen, but I could also "make" reception problems happen on every cell phone I've ever owned.

    Does Consumer Reports stop recommending automobile purchases? Because you know if there is an issue with a car, the manufacturer will issue a recall. If you are affected, you have to take it into a dealer where it will be fixed. The onus is on the owner of the car, for crying out loud! The auto manufacturers should go house to house providing the fix for free to all cars, whether their owners report a problem or not!

    Wait, you mean Consumer Reports does not hold the auto manufacturers to the same artificial standard they hold Apple to? How amazing...

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  • gikku
    Jan 2, 05:25 AM
    Leopard for G3s, please.

    An iMac with an adjustable screen height, with dual C2D chips.

    A Macbook with a proper keys on the board.

    A new low end range of desktops and notebooks with a core solo chip, for volume sales.

    Mac Mini C2D 2.33Ghz

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  • projectle
    Aug 6, 09:09 PM
    Why have a picture when they can have the Governator himself pay a visit?

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  • bokdol
    Aug 24, 10:02 PM
    a bit off topic... does any one know of a comparable pc and cost? the mini seems a bit expensive at 799 for a 1.6 dore duo

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  • maverick808
    Oct 23, 10:00 PM
    Does anyone really think Apple would do a major hardware update without a press conference of any kind?

    Depends what you mean by major hardware update.

    The iMac was updated without a press conference of any kind. That update included C2D, brand new larger screen model, FW800, much better video cards (at least as an option) and better speakers. I'd call the release of an entirely new model (the 24"), and processor and other updates across the line, a major hardware update. And that happened with no conference of any kind.

    The MacBook (non pro) was released without any event or conference. That update included a completely new enclosure, new processor architecture (and obviously new CPU), increased screen resolution, brightness... well, it was a whole new machine. And again... no press conference.

    I'd call that a major hardware update. I guess you must have a different definition of major hardware update... although I can't think what could be more major than the silent MacBook release, which was a completely new machine.

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  • Bernard SG
    Oct 21, 05:52 AM
    14 million devices sold in Q3 2010.
    'Nuff said.

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  • Porchland
    Sep 8, 03:30 PM
    We'll I guess you guys are right about getting a new streaming airport... looks like the wait time is back up from 24hours to 1-3 WEEKS WEEEEHOOOOOO!!!!!

    Airport Express still shows available within 24 hours, so looks like Extreme is getting updated but Express is not.

    Mar 25, 03:06 PM
    The cpus used in the dual-cpu MP are 80-95W parts (top is the 95W Xeon X5670 right now), so it's give or take ~190W.

    Only the single cpu MP uses a 130W part (Xeon W3500/3600 series).

    So it's either 130W, 160W or 190W for the cpus in a MP.

    Intel's TDPs are not actual power consumed. So yes, the 130 W scenario still kicks.

    DDR3 DIMMs don't consume anything like 20W each. More like 20W for the whole 6 DIMMs you are talking about.

    The 6970 uses around 190W at peak load from the reviews I've seen. People already have working 6970s, GTX 480s and GTX 580s on all models of Mac Pros - under windows, but that makes no difference. The power supply is enough to run these cards.

    Anyway they still don't work in OS X on the Mac Pro, despite all these news stories: http://forum.netkas.org/index.php/topic,804.0.html

    Like I said, yes it is, but under a certain level of strain you do not want to run it. Also, we are not talking about a DIMM, we are talking about the capacity of RAM per module. It's a safe assumption to assume 20W per each 1GB of RAM. So if a module has 2GBs, then its 40 W. Now you can also say 10W, but 20W is much better for maximum scenarios. If your PSU can handle a maximum scenario it will not be strained.

    Aug 30, 09:58 PM
    I don't think that is always the case. In this case, specifically, we are likely looking at the high end mini bumping down to the low end price range, and the high end being a new machine. That would meant that the high end mini is basically getting a price drop, which would push the refurb price down: the refurb Core Duo mini is currently MORE than a new Core Solo. I'd definitely expect to see Duos get a price drop in the refurb store if the new mini line up is 1.66 duo and 1.83 duo.

    It will be interesting to see how Apple stocks and prices the refurb store once the new chips are in the Intel machines. I have noticed less and less PPC refurbs for iMacs and Minis. I guess that Apple is holding onto them in order to replace PPC machines that go bad while under warranty.

    Jan 6, 12:44 AM

    No show winner, but its mine :P :D

    Woot I'm not the only one!

    Here is mine. 72 Super beetle.

    http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/7638/img0174ix.jpg (http://img600.imageshack.us/i/img0174ix.jpg/)

    Sep 1, 04:05 PM
    If they did offer a 23" iMac, that would be their first "HD Ready" iMac. I was just about to buy a 20" ACD for my 20" iMac, because I needed more screen real estate, now I need to wait 2 weeks to see how i'm going to handle that, too. Bloody Hell :)

    Aug 6, 09:18 PM
    Oh my

    it's like christmas come early

    infact it's better

    christmas sucks, and it's cold

    WWDC is my favourite holiday :p

    you got my vote... man, i should get some sleep, need to be up at 11am.. my car has been making grinding noises, so off to see the mechanic!!

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