Tuesday, May 24, 2011

justin bieber my worlds the collection

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  • eye
    Mar 22, 09:43 PM
    The classic is the best music player out there. Never change, Mr. Classic. Click wheel and NO touch screen. Just play my music and have a large capacity. There are other products if you want to do other things.

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  • timswim78
    Aug 30, 09:58 PM
    I don't think that is always the case. In this case, specifically, we are likely looking at the high end mini bumping down to the low end price range, and the high end being a new machine. That would meant that the high end mini is basically getting a price drop, which would push the refurb price down: the refurb Core Duo mini is currently MORE than a new Core Solo. I'd definitely expect to see Duos get a price drop in the refurb store if the new mini line up is 1.66 duo and 1.83 duo.

    It will be interesting to see how Apple stocks and prices the refurb store once the new chips are in the Intel machines. I have noticed less and less PPC refurbs for iMacs and Minis. I guess that Apple is holding onto them in order to replace PPC machines that go bad while under warranty.

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  • MacinDoc
    Oct 23, 09:08 PM
    AppleInsider (http://appleinsider.com/article.php?id=2165) is posting new part numbers, presumably for new 15" MBPs...

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  • Rt&Dzine
    Mar 22, 12:42 PM
    I see apps like DVDs. There are DVDs made for all age groups, from preschool cartoons to the raunchiest sex and violence that one could stand.

    In order to purchase an adult DVD there is some degree of age confirmation. But once that DVD is purchased, any person of any age can pop it in a player to view it. It's up to the parent to secure those DVDs against the curious eyes of minors. Likewise apps should not be censored.

    Apple may not want to sell them through their store, just like Blockbuster may not want to sell triple X-rated movies, but if a developer can create an app for the iPhone then I'd prefer to see Apple or Apple's competitors let the market decide what is successful and what is not.

    If I understand correctly, the Windows Marketplace doesn't even allow sex/nudity in their app store, so they should be forced to do so?

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  • AdeFowler
    Jul 20, 05:06 AM
    I found this to be most interesting. I think we could actually see some Adobe apps by Septemeber. Adobe has been going on an 18-24 month cycle and based when CS2 was released Sept/Oct would be 18 months and 24 would be April when Adobe has said basically "no later than".
    I think it'll be very awkward for Steve to announce the Mac Pros without a UB version of Photoshop being available, however I can't see CS3 being finished. However we know that Indesign is progressing well, so I wouldn't be surprised if Bruce Chizen came on stage and announced the availability of time limited betas; assuming Adobe are willing to help Apple.

    Now what should we spend that 9.5 billion on? ;)

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  • daneoni
    Aug 7, 04:58 AM
    Not too brag or anything :D but it works out great for us in UK. Get in from work 5.30pm / open a beer / macrumors / keynote 6pm / tears of joy / rob bank 9pm / buy mac pro :D

    Agreed. I dont have anything to do so might just head to my apple store and view some of the boring presentations respond to some emails/forums..might even meet a looker (anyone noticed there are some attractive women in apple stores). Order some takeout and come home and lounge to MR. Then order a MacPro/MacBook Pro.....Good times.

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  • FearNo1
    Apr 22, 09:58 PM
    How is this "common knowledge" when apple supposedly added this all seeing eye feature in 2010? And with al bore on apple's board, that is even more reason to be concerned...

    The men claim that the facility to record users' positions was added with the iOS4 software update, released in June 2010.

    Really? This is common knowledge and is legal. All cell phones have this backdoor built in. Al Gore is on Apple's board. This became law in 2001.

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  • Project
    Jan 12, 12:38 PM
    The google cache for adium usage stats page: http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:-KC3ZK_6EgEJ:www.adiumx.com/sparkle/%3FforceShow%255B%255D%3Dmodel+macbookair&hl=en&strip=1
    It was retrieved on 9.jan and it already contained Macbook Air entry, few days before the rumors came.
    Basically the name Macbook Air seems to be real. Only thing is what stands behind that name. :)

    Great detective work.

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  • Skika
    May 2, 07:45 PM
    Haha so many mad fanboys. " APL Y U RUIN MY OSX"

    I think its a neat trinket, deleting apps this way, but nothing major worth over analyzing.

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  • macidiot
    Jul 20, 04:36 PM
    You are probably nursing those MS shares you bought at $90, hoping for a better day. It is not coming anytime soon sorry to say. Buying is about momentum. Apple has it and MS does not. Vista already has a great deal of bad press and it has not even hit the street. eWeek and other journals are already writing about Vista security vulnerabilities. That is not a good sign. Vista features and functionality has been scaled back numerous times. That too is not a good sign.

    Somewhat true. Momentum buying is generally for fools. Unless your a money manager with dedicated stock research, your always going to be late to the party. While you can still make money doing it, you can just as easily be the one without the chair in musical chairs.

    Who would have imagined that the common view. amongst the informed computer community, was MS was trying desperately to draw close to even-up with Apple? About the time MS established Windows 2000, they were at the top of the computer world in just about every SW market there was.

    Microsoft has never been technologically superior to Apple. At best, they were kind of close, with Win2k. At worst, they were about 7-10 years behind with DOS. They have always been catching up technologically. Microsoft dominance is due to a host of factors. Superior technology isn't one of them.

    The second thing that happened at MS is best described in a quote "When Alexander looked at his empire, he wept for there was nothing more to conquer." Instead of continuing on the path of R&D, they tried to find "new worlds to conquer", secure in the knowledge they had indeed subdued all competitors who could challenge them. Sun had tried to mount a charge in the early-mid 90's. Fortunately for MS, Sun's CEO lacked the wherewithal to do more than file lawsuits. Linux suffers from the exact problems that have plagued the Unix community; they cannot unify because they have no leadership.

    Apple has been the sleeping giant. They have made their mistakes, taken their lumps and paid their dues. After 20 years, I finally bought a Mac. That was mainly because my boss gave me ~ $15K to buy any personal technology I wanted (bonus type of deal). I was learning video production/editing and using the cheap PC stuff. To make a long story short, I can now boast the purchase of:

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  • Twizz91
    Mar 22, 04:12 PM
    iPod Classic 7G
    - Retina display for stunning clickwheel-game-visuals
    - Airplay
    - 220 GB
    - Thunderbolt to fill up that 220 GB in 2 sec
    - bluetooth to stream music through your ipad.
    - 4mm thin
    - same 36 hour battery

    Who's with me :D:apple:

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  • queshy
    Jun 24, 04:54 AM
    My prediction: we are many, many years from a fully touch screen interface iMac. It's just not there yet. It works well on a phone but would not work well on a device with a similar form factor as the current iMac.

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  • timmyOtool
    Apr 4, 04:04 PM
    I think the cut throat P.C. market will implode on it's self sometime in the future and Apple should stay out of that market. With that said I do hope that Apple can improve the consumer line up. $800 for an emac would be good if it had better specs. All the ilife apps should run well on all macs period. A better adveritising stratigy wouldn't hurt either. Let people know about osx, after all that is their best product imho. Apple is not going to die, but there is always room for improvement.

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  • ajkrause
    Sep 1, 01:25 PM
    Just a general wonderment but why is it that upgrading the RAM on your made-to-order MacBook from the Apple Store online will run you up to $500 ($450 if you're a student) yet on the iMac and MacBook Pro the most it will cost you is $300 ($270 if you're a student)?

    I don't buy my RAM from Apple usually but it just seems very off to me anyway. The only time I bought RAM from them is when I bought my MBP... the sales guy convinced me easily because by that time I was salivating so much over the MBP, I was willing to pay a few extra bucks to be able to take it home from the Apple Store fully loaded. I'm an impatient guy, what can I say?*:D

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  • devinci99
    Mar 22, 04:15 PM
    I do think it's possible that Apple might re-invent the classic.

    A price drop and some minor update (such as wifi, bluetooth capabilities, ios capable) might happen. I think updating the classic's internal's and functionality might be feasible. But I doubt they will touch the physical appearance of it.

    But re-inventing the classic would defeat the purpose of calling it 'classic'.

    The Ipod Touch is their outlet for innovations now. Though, I wonder when the touch, would simple be called the iPod (drop the touch from the name).

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  • MikeDTyke
    Aug 29, 10:49 AM
    Wow I'v heard about the GMA 965 or whatnot, and that seemed like a pretty awesome upgrade, but this is the first I've heard of GMA X3000. Are there any details on this?

    If you're right I'll marry you.

    X3000 is the integrated graphics component of GMA965. It basically solves the problem of the GMA950 graphics having no hardware T&L. Hence why UT2004 scores sit in the toilet on Mac mini's and Macbooks.

    It'll never challenge a midrange Nvidia or ATI card, but it'll make the mini and macbook a reasonable enry level gaming platform, which it ain't now.

    See http://www.intel.com/products/chipsets/G965/index.htm
    for some juicy technobabble.


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  • Apple Corps
    Jul 19, 06:42 PM
    does it mean mac's desktop market share is climbing? 5%?

    No - they are actually losing market share.

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 7, 06:20 PM
    Because there is not enough of it, and it will increase our need of foreign oil not lessen it.

    There is twice as much gasoline refined from a barrel of sweet crude than diesel.

    Can you quote a source on that? As far as I'm aware, that is not necessarily true (http://www.theoildrum.com/node/2174). It all depends on what is in highest demand. Diesel can be refined into gasoline, and gasoline is what people in the US want at the moment. I will try to find some more citeable links than this (http://cr4.globalspec.com/thread/26624/Maximum-gallons-of-diesel-from-a-barrel-of-crude-oil), but my impression is that a single barrel of crude always potentially contains more diesel fuel than gasoline. This is a very market-driven process. Refineries make what people want to buy.

    It's also worth pointing out that a lot of gasoline has ethanol and other compounds in it that diesel does not have, and that stuff had to be refined before being added - increasing the engery cost of refining gasoline. Regular unleaded gasoline also has more sulphur in it than the now mandatory-for-passenger-cars ULSD fuel.

    For a long time, and in many places people that drove diesel vehicles did so because of the tax advantages. The taxes were kept lower in order to make commercial usage cheaper.

    Diesel may be cheaper in Europe due to tax structures, but the same could be said about gasoline here. It doesn't have to be that way in either case. On a purely technical level, gasoline should actually cost more because it takes more energy to refine.

    It is not greener to go diesel. It takes that resource from other parts of the economy and puts it into cars. Cars do just fine with gasoline. They are relatively clean and there is twice as much of the stuff in a gallon of oil. They don't get better mileage except in volume of stuff. Which is not the correct measurement. If cars became more diesel, then diesel would become dramatically more expensive, affecting the overall livelihood of everyone, dramatically increase the cost of oil and bring about energy devastation much faster than anyone could imagine.

    Diesel takes less energy to refine, contains more energy per unit of volume, emits less CO2, you get potentially more of it out of a barrel of crude and diesel engines are always more fuel efficient than equivalent gasoline engines. Where's the problem?

    I can't see how you are going to argue that it is necessary for us to drive gasoline-engined cars in order to prevent "energy devastation". Most other countries already use a much larger proportion of diesel and they seem just fine. We could make a lot more diesel with the crude we are currently extracting, and the market for gasoline will never go away.

    By moving to hybrids and electrics, we actually decrease our dependence on foreign oil, and make our cars greener per mile driven. This is why it is the answer and diesel isn't.

    I am not advocating that we all switch to diesel. Nor do I want to get rid of the gasoline engine (especially in performance cars!). But the USA has an unecessary obsession with the gasoline-engined car. We need diesel serial hybrids for starters, and more hybrids and diesel-engined cars of all types. There is no one solution. If tens of thousands of people in the US started buying diesel Cruzes, it would not destroy the world's energy infrastructure.

    But come on - "energy devastation"?

    the argument for that silent agreement ? they don't want "a horsepower arms race"... look how well that has turned out

    Indeed. Same with the Japanese and their 280hp/180 km/h limit. Some of the cars made under this "agreement" were considerably faster/more powerful than was officially admitted, and anyway they did away with that a number of years ago.

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  • Ingot
    Apr 19, 11:23 AM
    the 27 imac is a beast!!!!!
    God I wish I had the money to get it.

    I didn't have the money, but I bought it anyways. Loaded to the hilt except only 8g instead of 16gb of memory. I call it the iBeast. It brings me great pleasure.

    Jul 18, 09:58 AM
    I like to know that I can listen to (or view) my music on my schedule, at my convenience, on my time. If someone's telling me that I've got to hew to THEIR schedule, then it's just ceased being convenient.
    It's not supposed to be convenient, it's supposed to make the movie companies money. ;)

    Oct 23, 11:59 AM
    Updates are expected very soon boys and ghouls!

    It's "boils and ghouls" ;)

    Oct 23, 04:18 PM
    I know you will see that I've never posted before, so anything I say will probably be taken with a grain of salt. I don't blame you for not believing me, every Tuesday I am let down with all of you. If I am lying you can ban me from this forum, for whatever it's worth, I promise what I'm telling you is the truth. I see you guys are as antsy as I am about this update.

    I know a person that works at an Apple Store as an inventory control specialist - I asked him back in July to tell me before hand if he knew when the Merom MacBook Pro was coming out. Today I got a text message from him saying, "(dan's) laptop might be coming out tomorrow." However, he thinks it's only a 15''.

    Something is definitely planned to come out tomorrow. I know it's not concrete, but it gives me hope. I figured I would share.

    I'm hoping he is wrong about the 15'' thing, I wanted a 17''. Either way, I'll take what I can get. I've been waitng too long.


    hope that's true, but I also hope the 17 will be updated at the same time.

    Nov 23, 09:33 PM

    X-rays and casting. It counts as a purchase.

    Hope you got a deal. :D

    Aug 24, 07:09 PM
    Maybe Apple is planning to take the world by storm and make a TV top Mac Mini loss leader with Blue Ray ( a la PS3!) :)

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