Monday, May 23, 2011

kate and william wedding photo

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  • macduke
    Mar 25, 10:44 PM
    This seems a little fast for the first GM. Maybe not such a big update after all? Where are all the secrets? The UI could use more of an overhaul IMO. This is probably just for the devs and they will bust out some fancy fancy at WWDC. I hope! Gotta have that one more thing...

    I hope Lion lives up to the name and is BEAST.

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  • Kwill
    Apr 7, 11:56 PM
    :mad:Best Buy told me today that they had them in but Apple would not let them sell them. I have been going for two weeks every other day and they finally tell me they have them and can't sell them. I hate this crap. I want my IPad 2.

    Explains why Apple is opening up Toys R' Us as another outlet.

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  • ehoui
    Apr 27, 05:35 PM
    It's just like kings, innit?

    Probably has more to do with trying to avoid the label "Junior" than pretending to be a king.

    In any event, I think Obama shouldn't have release anything. There was no need.

    kate and william wedding photo. KATE and WILLIAM WEDDING Tee

  • H. Flower
    Apr 11, 08:56 PM
    How about using more than one bloody core to render a timeline or do an export to the eternally-broken Compressor?

    How about properly recognizing file attributes on import?


    �QMaster having better than coin-flip reliability?

    �better R3D support (as well as other cameras)?


    etc etc

    - native video support (years behind in this)

    - viewing upsized or downsized video without degradation

    - proper render management

    - removal of "insufficient content" and "cannot split a transition" errors

    and on and on and on

    The major thing, though, is they HAVE to start utilizing multiple cores. It's not and as video gets larger, rendering gets more taxing.

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  • Mark Booth
    Apr 25, 03:27 PM
    As I pointed out in my earlier blog posting (LINK (, until somebody proves that Apple is both collecting the data to their servers AND using the data in a manner that allows them to personally identify a specific user, this lawsuit is meritless and a waste of the court's time.


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  • lsvtecjohn3
    Mar 22, 02:09 PM
    Lack of Flash support is the achilles heel of iPad. I hope Jobs gets off his high horse and relents.

    He's not because of the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch they're pushing HTML5 forward

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  • aswitcher
    Aug 27, 04:40 AM
    This is great news. Looking forward to a revamp of half the Apple line over the next month or so.

    kate and william wedding photo. kate and william wedding cake.
  • kate and william wedding cake.

  • Frobozz
    Jul 30, 08:13 PM
    I've built a gaming PC around the Core 2 Duo E6700. I'd like to be able to install OS X on it, because the only reason why I'd ever use Windows is for the latest games. Here are the spec's, think this would run OS X nicely? ;-)

    Intel 975XBX Motherboard
    Intel Core 2 Duo E6700 (should overclock to around 3.2 to 3.5 GHz with my Zalman CNPS9500 AT air cooler)
    ATI Crossfire x1900 (crossfire master card)
    Sapphire ATI x1900xt (in crossfire)
    1GB Crucial Ballistix DDR2 800 Memory
    2 x 320GB Seagate Perpendicular Recording SATA2 HD's in RAID 1
    Antec Trupower II 550 watt power supply
    Antec P180 case in black

    ... keep in mind I am a diehard Mac fan, but I've always wanted to build a gaming rig since I'm a hardcore gamer. After all, I'm writing this entry on my MacBook Pro. Mmmmm.

    kate and william wedding photo. kate and william wedding
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  • Zadillo
    Aug 27, 05:17 PM
    No, you're putting words in my mouth. People can be intelligent and still not get the essence of a reoccuring joke.

    Who here doesn't get the "essence" of the joke? Really, I think you must think that the "PowerBook G5" is a lot more clever than it actually is. People "get" the joke, they got it the first few hundred times someone posted "PowerBook G5 next tuesday?".

    The humor of the recurring nature of the joke was already worn out a long time ago, and it has long since passed the phase where many people find it funny just because it is repeated so often.

    Recurring jokes lose their humor for many people precisely because they get beaten into the ground. That's the problem with recurring jokes.

    Just because someone finds a recurring joke that has been beaten into the ground to not be funny doesn't mean they don't "grasp" the concept of it.


    kate and william wedding photo. kate and william wedding
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  • ImAlwaysRight
    Apr 12, 09:16 AM
    Im waiting til June, if iphone 5 is delayed then i will jump to a nice android smartphone. Many people forget that cellular market has changed a lot and now competition is harder than before, there are nice alternatives, very nice ones.

    Just what do all you whiners NEED in a smartphone that you can't wait for a 3 month "delay" in release of a phone? Cracks me up.

    And if any of you actually switch, I'll bet 2 months after the release of the iPhone 5 you'll be so jealous of its superiority over your current smartphone that you'll end up coming back to Apple. Apple knows this, which is why they laugh in your face.

    Apple iPhones are everywhere. I think I saw a gal in line at the supermarket on food stamps whip out an iPhone.

    And over 95% of iPhone owners are "dumb" users. They don't visit sites like this and if they are on iPhone 3G will probably upgrade to iPhone 4 if that is all that is available in June/July. And they will be happy. They will hear a little about iPhone 5 in Sept. but won't really care. That's the pulse of the American people. Geeks on this forum are in the minority.

    kate and william wedding photo. kate and william wedding
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  • RedTomato
    Sep 13, 11:04 AM
    Quoting myself, bad boy,

    Arrays of cheap RAM on a PCIe card?

    That's one answer. 1 TB of DDR on a (rather big) card. Takes 2500 watts to power, but gives you 32GB/sec continous bandwidth.

    Would that be enough to feed an 8-core Mac Pro? (4GB/sec per core, running through the entire 1TB in 32 seconds.... hmmm)

    Wonder when products like that will filter down?

    There's a rather sad Gigabye Ramdisk card at

    Costs only £100 but has a max capacity of 4GB. You'd be better off spending the money on more system RAM.

    kate and william wedding photo. kate and william wedding
  • kate and william wedding

  • princealfie
    Nov 29, 09:16 AM
    You're welcome to audit my iPod. I guarantee you'll find nothing but legal tunes.

    Given your stance, I wonder how you feel about public libraries offering whole collections of CDs for patrons to "borrow". I think we all know what (many, not all) people are really doing with those CDs when they borrow them. Shouldn't we be doing something about these public institutions turning a blind eye to what is essentially sanctioned piracy?

    It is not piracy. We pay state taxes to support the library, so there! :mad:

    kate and william wedding photo. kate and william wedding
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  • dadoftwogirls
    Apr 6, 04:07 PM
    Like someone an early poster said, you want a little competition to keep Apple moving forward. But 100k in two months? Apple's motto seems to be defeat, crush and humiliate your opponents then dominate. It's going to be hard for competition facing that.

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  • samcraig
    Apr 27, 09:10 AM
    Side story: the credit card companies know exactly where I am better then the cell companies. Every time I swipe my credit or debit card, they know where I am. When I travel for vacation, I am very likely to get a call from my credit card company (on my cell) asking where, when and how long I will be traveling. They know every store and every purchase I've ever made on a credit card.

    again - when you make a purchase - you know you're being logged. If you use cash - your CC doesn't know where you are.

    Apple's bug saved coordinates whether or not you had locations services on or off. It's different.

    The OPTION is what's important and Apple agrees, hence the bug fix. If it was soley a "feature" - they would have stated that the file is required and they cannot offer a way to remove it, yadda yadda

    Those that still argue against the solution remind me of the threads on the iPad board. When it was suggested that the iPad needed a camera - so many people were screaming that it's ridiculous for the iPad to have a camera citing form factor, useless feature, stupid suggestion, etc. I argued that having a camera makes sense and for those that wouldn't use it - don't use it.

    Same here. Apple will give (actually fix) the ability to turn location services on or off. Use it or not. I'm happy there's an OPTION

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  • �algiris
    Apr 6, 03:30 PM
    But hey, haven't you heard, Honeycomb is a real tablet OS. (Whatever the heck that means.)

    Google must have used that line in a PowerPoint somewhere because I see it regurgitated verbatim on every single iPad vs. Honeycomb thread.

    The Google brainwashing continues. ;)

    Real tablet OS, Full internet, True multitasking - the list's expanding fast :D

    kate and william wedding photo. Kate and William Royal Wedding
  • Kate and William Royal Wedding

  • chatin
    Aug 16, 11:58 PM
    This poor cache design will kill off the G5's fast in rendering intensive workspaces.

    The G5 has only 1MB of cache and it's per core not per cpu. If one core needs to cache 3.5MB of data it's possible on the Mac Pro becauce the CPU cache is fully unified.

    I just ran Cinebench 9.5 on my Mac Pro and got 4 Cpu's Showing and a healthy 3.5 Ratio. (That means the CPU's are working together very well, thanks to the Intel Smart Cache.)

    :) :p

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  • Shagrat
    Sep 13, 07:56 AM
    and this got negative votes because...??????????


    kate and william wedding photo. kate and william wedding. kate
  • kate and william wedding. kate

  • Demoman
    Aug 5, 08:22 PM
    More speculation than rumour, but for Leopard I'd bet on:

    -Resolution Independent UI
    -Quartz 2D Extreme

    Honestly, I'm surprised they're not in the rumour roundup.

    David :cool:

    Thanks for the links, Dave! I found them both very informative, especially the one on Quartz 2 Extreme.

    Do you have any feel for when we will see a roll-out of the pro apps? I recall quite a bit of rumor-mongering just before the Intel announcement. Since then it has been rather silent. I thought the sudden drop in Quake might be a precursor to something fairly soon??

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  • shawnce
    Nov 28, 06:52 PM
    Many years ago a media levy was passed in the United States that applies a "tax" to "consumer digital audio" media (CD-R blanks, DAT, etc.) with the proceeds going to music industry/artists. The justification was to offset losses due to illegal copying of music in digital form (generational loseless copies). This to date hasn't been expanded to include devices like the iPod (at least I don't recall that taking place).

    This appears to be an attempt to expand that levy...

    Note in Canada they have a similar levy that "taxes" all digital media that could store audio (not just "consumer digital audio" media) but IIRC it fell short of being applied to the iPod as well. Also many many other countries have similar laws.

    In my opinion these types of levies should never have been enacted into law... they presume customers will engage in criminal activity and punish them before hand. :(

    To bad the wrong precedent was set...

    Apr 6, 12:14 PM
    I would love to see a 15" laptop with no optical drive, with the specs and price somewhere between the MBA and MBP.

    Would be nice to see a 15" MBA.

    Jul 20, 10:14 AM
    At some point your going to have deminished returns. Sure multimedia apps can take advantage of a few more cores, but I dont see Mail running faster on 4 cores, nevermind 2!

    How fast do you want mail to go? The main reasons you need good processors is not for browsing, e-mail, text, and such and such. I highly doubt someone who does all these things on a five year old computer will be much slower than someone on a 16 GB RAM top of the line Powermac

    Why don't they just call it: Big Mac.

    I think that's the best name I've heard in this thread (sorry, Chundles)

    Mar 31, 04:31 PM
    Oh, then I can take the Honeycomb source code and do whatever I want with it?

    Oh, wait, I can't? Then how doesn't this make Android 'closed source'?

    Sure, just buy a Honeycomb powered device. Until then Google has no legal requirement to let you have the GPL portions of source. As for the rest, it is licensed under an Apache License, which does not require Google release the source at all but does allow a user to modify and redistribute what they do have.

    FOSS does not mean they have to put the source out in the open.

    Mar 22, 01:38 PM
    You are the funniest poster on here. Thanks for the entertainment. (Not sure if it's your intent, but thanks anyway.)

    Here's what he doesn't realise: Every product has both a price, and a value. In case of the iPhone, Apple has left a lot of space for others to undercut it in price. And many people will go for something that is cheaper, even when it doesn't have quite the value. But as we can see now, Apple hasn't left any margin with the iPad for competitors to undercut it in price. If the iPad was starting at around $1000 as had been suggested originally, then Samsung would be able to sell lots and lots of tablets for $499. But the iPad starts at $499. Samsung could sell lots and lots of tablets for $249 or $299, but they can't build them for the price. The reason why none of these tablets are cheaper than the iPad is because they just can't build them cheaper.

    For the same price, people are going to buy the original and not a cheap copy. So they will buy and continue buying the iPad. And the iPad is the one that you know will be around next year, unlike others.

    Mar 22, 06:54 PM
    As others have pointed out, killing a peaceful protester (or non-involved innocent civilian for that matter) is never justified.

    I'm not trying to justify it.

    What I'm asking is, does it justify the action that we're taking?

    That, I'm not sold on.

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