Tuesday, May 24, 2011

selena gomez dresses 2011

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  • Rocketman
    Jan 3, 03:30 PM
    Anyway do you guys think a ultra portable Apple laptop is in the works?

    Like say a 12 inch Macbook Pro?

    I for one don't. I think what the rumors are referring to is a "netboot" device over wi-max (and Edge or its replacement) in a handheld form factor.

    32gb or so of flash or P-RAM local storage would allow reasobable pre-fetch of 1/4HD and any streams you are following. Computer apps take a small fraction of the storage and bandwidth of video apps. Plenty of room for battery in such a device too per Shuffle.

    This addresses the ultra-portable market, the post newton market, the video iPod market (mobile TiVo), the iChat and text message market, and the crackberry replacement market.

    Think about it. You are talking with Apple's or your server, or a Google server of all your content of all types on a device capable of mobile broadband and reasonable display (perhaps 1/4 HD). You have earbuds in too.


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  • Veg
    Feb 26, 03:23 PM
    What are those headphones?

    Sennheiser HD 280 Pros.

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  • dernhelm
    Jan 2, 04:26 AM
    Personally speaking I can't get excited about software. An OS is an OS windows, OSX I don't care as long as it works (OK advantage Apple but if MS did the job I would use it) Ilife come on, surely something not as dull as free software no one uses.

    Please let it be new stuff you can hold.

    Expect both. Steve will spend some time on OS/X, because he promised us all last time he would. But he'll also spend some time on iTV, and there will definitely be some other device. There always is... :)

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  • Chris Bangle
    Aug 25, 06:54 AM
    Why does intel have to be soooo confusing, A year ago you could either have a G4 or a G5, Nowadays dyo want core solo, core duo, merom, the other one, or that other one, or the other one.( I can ony remeber conroe and merom)... Ok there more powerful but there are too many to decide from.

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  • twoodcc
    Feb 9, 09:47 PM
    Was crunching for another team before. The stats from Berkley show the aggregate as do some tools like the FAH Wudget.

    oh ok, gotcha. congrats!

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  • zeppiecr
    Nov 30, 08:20 AM
    why not put a bluray in the itv?

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  • kLy
    Apr 1, 08:37 AM
    Two *major* bugs:

    1) TextEdit crashes on launch (tried trashing the prefs file - nothing)
    2) cmd+left/right no longer goes to the start/end of the line :O wtf!

    Anyone else experiencing these?

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  • aswitcher
    Jan 13, 06:04 PM
    Maybe it's not as cool as having ZERO ports but Apple did patent the idea of collapsible ports:



    Which would be absolutely awesome in a small form factor machine.

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  • NebulaClash
    Sep 14, 10:37 AM
    I think it's a fair question to ask as well. Since all phones have this issue to one degree or another, why is it Apple who got singled out? Because they are the mindshare leaders. If you are Greenpeace and you want to get publicity, call out Apple. If you are Consumer Reports and you want headlines, call out Apple.

    When the iPhone 5 comes out, I guarantee there will be stories published about signal issues with it. It's now the standard playbook to use against Apple, and the media goes along with it.

    I'm a Consumer Reports subscriber, but I know their tech coverage is spotty at best. Sometimes it's laughably wrong. And too many people take their word as gospel instead of just one more useful data point. Heh, it's funny but as this thread is developing I just got a subscriber email from them asking for a $26 donation to them so they can continue to buy the products they test. I'll pay them $26 because I believe in their non-advertiser supported model.

    But I wish they would not feed the anti-Apple FUD playbook. Yes, Apple absolutely should be called out for a design flaw, one that they are going to fix, but let's not blow it out of proportion the way it was. And let's not be hypocritical and call out Apple while giving a pass to everyone else with similar issues. That's the problem I'm focusing on.

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  • milo
    Sep 6, 08:48 AM
    Hmm... the Mini still has no Core 2 Duo? That does not sound too promising for MacBook (Pro) updates... unless Apple only wants to use the Core 2 Duo for the high end laptops (MacBook Pro) of course... Or are they waiting untill Leopard has been released?

    We'll see it soon in the macbook pro, I'd guess the MB will be later on.

    So are all the yonah naysayers ready for a big plate of crow?

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  • innominato5090
    Feb 18, 07:22 AM
    Just got my 2009 Mac Pro Quad 2.66 today. It has a 120GB SSD drive and 640GB secondary drive, blu ray player, and 16GB of DDR3 Ram. Sitting next to it is my 2009 17 inch 2.66ghz Core2Duo Macbook Pro which has a 240GB SSD drive and 8GB of RAM.


    are you kidding, right? the rules just a few posts above yours clearly state that you MUST use TIMG tags above 800px!

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  • kadajawi
    Oct 14, 10:49 PM
    @generik: You're forgetting the much bigger and FASTER HD. I've gotten curious and tried OS X on my windows box too. To be honest it simply kills the Mini. Having 1 GB RAM over 512 MB and a nice, fast HD really helps alot. The box is much snappier, eventhough it has only an Athlon 64, no dual core like the Mini has. Of course anything that requires graphics card support won't run or runs slow, but other than that it boots much quicker, reacts faster, starts programs way faster, ... So I guess the iMac will be quite a bit faster than the Mini because of its HD.
    Perhaps I'll try OS X on my Windows/Linux box with 512 MB to compare.

    Ps: The Mini looks much better though :D And is so silent. And small. I like it :D But it's so painfully slow... I'm running Rosetta@Home though, that eats quite a lot of RAM. Without its zippier, until I manage to fill up the RAM (which is very easy though).

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  • Full of Win
    Apr 12, 08:31 PM
    Here comes Super Final Cut Express (SFCE)...

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  • aiqw9182
    Mar 24, 04:35 PM
    True, but its a wait for the overzealot AMD CPU fan base. AMD is very well behind Intel right now in CPUs. Their 6-core offerings barely match the processing power of a i7-870; which is a 4-core, 1156 socket! They can't even match the 1366 socket yet... not to mention the monster of a CPU that is the i7-980X.

    Shhh... don't tell him that. He insists that it will only be a "small performance edge". �AMD

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  • andrewbecks
    Apr 19, 11:38 PM
    While technically correct, you should provide context.

    While SSDs DO have a finite number of write available, an SSD that's 256 GB (a modest drive size) with 10,000 writes = 2,560,000 GB of writing capacity (or 2.56 * 10^6 ;))

    That means you could write 100 GB of data PER DAY for slightly over 70 YEARS!

    Feel free to be amazed. :D

    That is amazing. Thanks for putting that whole issue into context. I imagine that, all things considered, some SSDs might even last longer than traditional hard drives. How if we can just bring the price down! :-)

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  • Goldfinger
    Aug 31, 12:38 PM
    Makes me hope that they bring back three levels:

    $499 Core Duo 1.66, 60/80GB HD, Combo drive
    $599 1.66, 100GB HD, Super Drive
    $699 1.83, 100GB/120GB, Super Drive
    Indeed, that's what I'm hoping for ! a 499$ one for me but with a superdrive. Don't care about those 20gigs.

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  • SiliconAddict
    Nov 27, 08:18 PM
    Ahh digitimes - The height of accurate reporting. :rolleyes:

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  • rasmasyean
    Mar 19, 02:43 PM
    yes, as you say this is probably too late to be a knock-out to Gadaffi.......and noting that icons of the international revolutionary left such as Castro, Ortega, Chavez et al were quick to support Gadaffi, it seems likely he'll get some support in rearming as necessary

    You'd be surprised how much destruction can test ppl's zealotry. Whoever controls the air, pretty much has a gigantic advantage in pounding the enemy into submission. War is more of a weapons match than a "will of the people match" like Hollywood stories.

    And as we speak, US has started pounding them now. Although it's kind of surprising, as one would have thought you'd just one night see another "shock and awe" type of initial onslaught. Maybe this coordination was a little late and not as organized as they would have liked. I don't really see the purpose of taking pot shots here and there, while the real advantage is to take the enemy by surprise and destroy as many assets you can before he tries to hide and hole up.

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  • RyanNoah
    Sep 14, 12:47 PM
    I just picked up the Belkin Grip Vue at BestBuy in Wilmington, DE. Very pleased.

    It seems like these cases cover up the speaker. Is this true and if so, is the sound muffled?


    Oct 24, 01:08 PM
    hello everyone..i have bought a new ipod touch and i want a case to cover it and to provide protection from scratches.please can anyone suggest me.

    How much do you want to spend?

    Nov 30, 08:20 AM
    why not put a bluray in the itv?

    Nov 28, 02:21 PM
    Memory Stick

    PSone & PS2?

    Like MS, the winners pay for the losers. As a trader once told me, you only have to be right 51% of the time to make a profit.

    Dec 17, 10:26 PM
    Our team is at 2.147 million points for the last 7 days, the highest I've ever seen it!! Way to go Team!

    Macrumors.com - Team Folding - 7 days 2,146,864 Total points 146,241M

    We're catching up to those Greeks and will soon pass them.

    Feb 26, 10:44 PM
    My friend and I actually built the stand our selves, it serves to provide room for me to slide the keyboard under and just to elevate the imac in general, so it's more at eye level.

    What's it made out of? And I presume there's a third leg holding the back of the iMac foot up? Otherwise I'd be rather concerned about it falling out of balance during an intense typing session :o

    Lamp: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000BCDGMG

    External HDD: http://www.macally.com/EN/Product/ipod4show.asp?ArticleID=209

    Speakers: http://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Z-3-Wood-Grained-Speakers/dp/B0000C20V3/ref=sr_1_12?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1298679238&sr=1-12

    iPhone stand: http://www.xtand.net/xtand.html

    You know what this forum needs? The ability to tag items in photos, sort of like how you tag people in FaceBook.

    And I hate FaceBook.

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