Tuesday, May 24, 2011

selena gomez who says album art

selena gomez who says album art. selena gomez who says album
  • selena gomez who says album

  • SPUY767
    Nov 28, 10:12 PM
    Actually, they do. They also got paid on every blank tape sold when cassettes were big. I think it is crazy for everyone to think that the music industry is greedy when it getting squeezed out of all of their revenue streams. So, Apple makes hundreds of millions off of their back on the itunes site, and a billion off of iPod sales, and they cannot share in the wealth?

    It doesn't cost the consumer any more, why wouldn't you want the people who actually make the music you are listening to get compensated?

    This debate is stale. People want something for nothing.

    Just so you know, flame bait is almost always ignored. So don't bother.

    selena gomez who says album art. aselena gomez album art
  • aselena gomez album art

  • msb3079
    Apr 7, 10:59 PM
    Obviously you know little about retail and accounting.

    I was a manager at Circuit City for several years and I could not disagree any more.

    The quicker you move stock, the better.

    Obviously, you DON'T know.

    selena gomez who says album art. selena gomez who says album
  • selena gomez who says album

  • princealfie
    Nov 29, 12:30 PM
    Why yes, she does!
    Got a few people from the SLC here I see...

    I promise to buy her album then. Spasiba!

    selena gomez who says album art. selena gomez who says album
  • selena gomez who says album

  • Dagless
    Aug 19, 10:19 AM
    Bugger, well I hope there is plenty of access to Premium cars. I intend to play this game in the driver camera view since I'll be playing this on a 3DTV.

    selena gomez who says album art. selena gomez who says album
  • selena gomez who says album

  • guzhogi
    Jul 14, 03:11 PM
    I kinda wish Apple used regular ATX cases & power supplies, or at least have the external drive bays be ATX style. While I like Apple style, I'd also like to add multiple CD/DVD drives to my system without having to get external drives to clutter my desk. I am trying to write a program like iTunes that lets me rip multiple CDs (or tracks if only 1 cd) at once. Also, some external 3.5" bays would be nice so I could add a memory card reader or a Soundblaster X-Fi Fatal1ty if there were Mac drivers for it. More internal drive bays would be nice for those who want to have a RAID setup.

    selena gomez who says album art. selena gomez who says album
  • selena gomez who says album

  • acslater017
    Mar 26, 05:15 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Wow. Be a little more open-minded! It's not as if Apple is taking away much with Lion. If you don't wanna use launchpad, it won't force you too. Grouping expose by apps is good for most things - it doesnt make sense for each Safari window to take up as much space as a separate program. Fullscreen is very useful for focusing on one task

    selena gomez who says album art. selena gomez who says cover.
  • selena gomez who says cover.

  • phairphan
    Aug 26, 04:19 PM
    Only problem with that is that a 2.33 GHz Merom chip will be fifty percent more expensive than a 2.16 GHz Yonah is today. So do you think Apple will increase prices of the MacBook Pro by $150 to $200 or reduce their profit?

    I believe the 2.33 GHz Merom chip debuted at the same price as the 2.16 GHz Yonah when it was released. The prices of MBPs certainly haven't fallen. Apple has just been enjoying the extra profits from Intel's price drops of the past few months.

    selena gomez who says album art. selena gomez who says album
  • selena gomez who says album

  • danz1123
    Jun 11, 11:21 AM
    Anyone know if I place a preorder on the 19th what the chances are I'll be able to make a reservation for the 24th?

    selena gomez who says album art. selena gomez who says album
  • selena gomez who says album

  • citizenzen
    Mar 22, 07:08 PM
    Whether it turns out to be justified depends on subsequent events.

    Sounds dangerously like, "the ends justify the means."

    selena gomez who says album art. selena gomez who says album
  • selena gomez who says album

  • gnasher729
    Apr 27, 11:13 AM
    News on slashdot.org:

    77 Million Accounts Stolen From Playstation Network.

    Earth will not stop turning, but I think this is just slightly, slightly worse than a file that shows where you haven't exactly been at some point in the past if someone steals your iPhone.

    It clearly is an issue if they have a federal lawsuit on it. The fact that Apple are rolling out an update that changes the way it works alone shows that there is clearly a problem. Apple vary rarely roll out updates that change things, even if consumers are screaming for it (mouse acceleration in OS X for example).

    You refuse to accept there is a problem. You refuse to see the breech of privacy. Why? The government and Apple have clearly accepted it.

    See title of the thread: "Apple addresses controversy". There is and there never was a problem, but the idiocracy forced Apple to act to end the controversy. Right now, who do you think should worry more, iPhone owners or PS3 owners?

    selena gomez who says album art. selena gomez who says album
  • selena gomez who says album

  • Ramrod82
    Apr 8, 01:25 AM
    Ipad2 = huge demand, people keep calling, going into best buy daily to check to see if any r in. BB maybe is hoping while your there u will buy some games, blu rays, etc. Then come back when the iPad is in stock, the higher demand, the more likely people will get down and pissed and spend money on other items to take their mind off of waiting for their iPad 2. You create a demand that's already there (key apple stores and website delays) and make the delay longer, customers will keep coming in! Look at the Wii when it first was out and people lined for one! And the whole bb quota I truly believe, the higher ups want to see the daily numbers and if they see an average of let's say they sell 20 a day plus other crap, the higher ups r happy, who knows I could be completely off, but thats just my 2 cents. Either BB has always been shady!

    selena gomez who says album art. +says+selena+gomez+album+
  • +says+selena+gomez+album+

  • katyoshi
    Apr 7, 01:18 AM
    This is why I waited for them to update the C2D first before purchasing. I will be buying the top 13". :rolleyes:

    selena gomez who says album art. +says+selena+gomez+album+
  • +says+selena+gomez+album+

  • 840quadra
    Apr 25, 03:10 PM
    statistics show that distribution of firearms mainly lead to more homocides and also suicides using firearms.
    if guns are outlawed, their distribution is greatly limited, making it a lot harder for outlaws to obtain them.

    the more you spread guns, the greater is the risk of them being used in illegal activities.

    ..oh wait... this forum is about apple and computers, right? :rolleyes:


    But this is totally off topic, and this falls into the relm of Politics, Religion, Social Issues (http://forums.macrumors.com/forumdisplay.php?f=47) .

    When you have a high enough post count, I am sure a few of us would love to discuss the inaccuracies of the facts you think you understand on this subject. ;) .

    selena gomez who says album art. Forwho says say buy us album
  • Forwho says say buy us album

  • fenderbass146
    Apr 8, 12:51 AM
    I am in the Geek Squad at a Best Buy, and at least at my store there is no such thing happening, nor have we ever been instructed to tell a customer that we don't have a certain product, unless it's unreleased such as new movies etc,,, but once something is released, if we have it we sell it.

    selena gomez who says album art. selena gomez who says album.
  • selena gomez who says album.

  • totoum
    Apr 12, 12:31 PM
    I use ProRes for almost everything, so this doesn't bother me.

    So wait,on the projects you're working on,is everyone using recorders to record direct to prores or do you enjoy having to waste time converting everything you get?

    Never had problems with this.

    Then I'm guessing you do your cross fades manualy?

    edit:and I do get your point,it works,but other competitors over the last couple years have brought improvements that I'd like to also see in FCP

    selena gomez who says album art. selena gomez who says album
  • selena gomez who says album

  • mattsh
    Sep 19, 06:24 AM
    to be honest - i've been looking at the lenovo offerings and i'm attracted. i have been a diehard apple fan my entire life, but if all it means is i have to use tiger clone (aka vista) but at least have hardware that is current with technology i'll buy.

    so yes, apple has a monopoly, but they can't be to jack ass about it because people will start to go other places no matter how good ilife is.

    there is no excuse that one of the top 5 notebook venders in the united states on intel architecture is behind this much its competitors.

    You know I've been thinking about this. Does Apple really NEED to update now? I mean what's the purpose of the update? Yes there is 64bit, but other then that? Not much. A LITTLE more speed, but OSX already runs pretty fast... faster then Windows would with comparible hardware. OSX already does more then Windows does and does it better. Maybe Apple doesn't NEED To stay up with the latest processor fad because they are already better then the competition.. maybe the competition NEEDS faster hardward because they OS is so bloated it runs slowly unless they have it. Ever think of that? Honestly, I'm 100% happy with my current MB which does not have the new processor in it. I launch most programs in under a second.:D

    selena gomez who says album art. Whowho gomez album artwork
  • Whowho gomez album artwork

  • macduke
    Mar 25, 10:51 PM
    So is there real resolution independence or just a x2 mode?

    This. Until this happens displays won't advance any further for actual computers (non-tablet) because there are so many form factors.

    Apple can spend the time to make graphics for each flavor of iPhone or iPad because there aren't that many to deal with. It becomes a lot more difficult to do this across a large range of products. Besides, computers are getting to the point where they are too powerful for most users (hence the popularity of the iPad). A retina display option would give people more incentive to upgrade their desktops, laptops, etc. I think?

    As a designer, I'd love a retina 27" ACD. 300dpi right on my screen, almost perfect. Now if we could just get the color/brightness a little more accurate...

    selena gomez who says album art. WHO SAYS SELENA GOMEZ ALBUM

  • macduke
    Mar 25, 10:51 PM
    So is there real resolution independence or just a x2 mode?

    This. Until this happens displays won't advance any further for actual computers (non-tablet) because there are so many form factors.

    Apple can spend the time to make graphics for each flavor of iPhone or iPad because there aren't that many to deal with. It becomes a lot more difficult to do this across a large range of products. Besides, computers are getting to the point where they are too powerful for most users (hence the popularity of the iPad). A retina display option would give people more incentive to upgrade their desktops, laptops, etc. I think?

    As a designer, I'd love a retina 27" ACD. 300dpi right on my screen, almost perfect. Now if we could just get the color/brightness a little more accurate...

    selena gomez who says album art. Who+says+album+artwork
  • Who+says+album+artwork

  • lord patton
    Aug 16, 11:31 PM
    (sideshow bob)The Power PC...The!!!(/sideshow bob)


    I don't know what ROFL stands for, but from context-clues, I'm thinking it means pretty damn funny. In which case, ROFL, dude.

    Apr 11, 12:58 PM
    This is bunk. Apple will not miss Christmas. Period, end of discussion.

    If the 5 launches a short while before Christmas, the supply constraints would be 10x worse than they are for the iPad right now.

    The only thing this rumor proves is that bloggers, speculators, and analysts are getting irritated with the lack of solid info compared to this time last year.

    I agree. I'm going to have a good laugh if WWDC intros the iPhone 5 to be available within a month, just like the last 3 years have been.

    Jul 29, 05:35 AM
    Of course, the problem with waiting until Paris for consumer upgrades like MacBook is that Apple will entirely miss the educational buying season, losing one of the largest markets for its consumer products...

    apples education buying season is now.... in fact, theyve already had a 33K notebook order from one school that i read on.

    Apr 27, 08:22 AM
    Ok, somebody go slap the lawyers that are initiating the lawsuit!

    Apple tracking everyone, ya right, like they have to?!

    Mar 27, 03:40 AM
    If you want to buy one here you go. No need to wait for Trim support


    Apr 11, 12:44 PM
    Analysts can just shove it. Complete BS all over the place. So.. according to them, we're going to have OSX Lion, iOS5, iPhone5, new iPods AND iPad 3... ALL IN THE FALL?! Complete bull. Oh, and throw in macbook pro updates for the later part of the fall, as usual. Just think about that for a second.

    Now, let me remember, when was the last time they were wrong.. oh wait, that's right, iPad 2. Last I remember, it was, you won't see it till May/June at the earliest. WRONG. And after analysts vs. bloggers report, it seems bloggers are more right than analysts.

    Anyways, after the 1st paragraph I wrote, I have no doubt in my mind that this is impossible. Last time Apple tried something like this, if I recall, it was Mobile Me, iPhone 3G + iOS2. It was a mess. Jobs himself said it was a mistake (http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-10006873-93.html) they'll never make again. So, when thinking about everything that is rumored by analysts to be coming out this fall, yeah, don't think so.:rolleyes:

    Edit: Don't get me started on how much their sales would be and strain on supplies having a huge item (iPhone) not only just going on sale, but going on sale leading into holiday season. That's 2x the demand of just releasing during the summer, and we all know how much of a demand that causes.

    And going to the guy who said iPhone 3 brought 3GS, what the heck is that? There is 3G, no 3GS (technology wise). It's only a naming convention apple used. Like when cars use SE or GLS. All the did was add a camera, and maybe something else hardware wise.

    Edit 2: ipad 2 entered production 1 month b4 apple announcing, so no freak'n 3 months as I've heard around rumor sites.

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