Tuesday, May 24, 2011

selena gomez without makeup on

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  • JackSYi
    Jul 18, 02:14 AM
    Too bad Steve couldn't cut a deal from the studios.

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  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 19, 05:09 PM
    They could at least make the app more interesting.
    How about a social feature that allows you to see other 'ex-homosexuals' in your area? :D

    Have you not been informed of DisgraceBook??

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  • skottichan
    Mar 31, 11:12 PM
    It seems that once the address bar starts glitching, spaces starts acting up too.1. The volume icon in the upper right finally displays the proper volume again.

    2. The Wifi icon was stuck on displaying the time since last reboot if you were connected to a router of Apple manufacture.

    3. Safari doesn't seem as RAM-heavy but the split processes (Safari vs. Safari Web Content) allows the latter to be killed if it consumes too much RAM to reset that to zero.

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  • Eduardo1971
    Apr 19, 02:39 PM
    Just in time for the back to school promo!

    Ha! The 'BTS' promo usually is near the end of May. For those who really need an iMac-it is still about six weeks away.:(

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  • likemyorbs
    Mar 24, 02:14 PM
    Ok let's not argue about gay being a choice or not again. What's the point? We just had this argument 2 pages ago and the person who thinks it's a choice usually just feels outnumbered and backs out, and rightfully so. Their opinion is wrong, they may realize it years down the line, or they may not. Either way, their side is losing. Bigots always lose in the end in this country, and they know it.

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  • citizenzen
    Mar 22, 03:06 PM
    ooooh. the rare red-crested triple-post!

    That's an infraction-and-a-half!

    In my early, more naive days here at MR I got dinged for just putting two in a row.

    Personally, I thought it was a little draconian.

    But I learned my lesson. :D

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  • siurpeeman
    Jan 12, 12:45 AM
    i think you guys are all missing the big picture. "smell in the air"? obviously, mac os x is bringing smell-o-vision (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smell-o-vision)! that's right, you heard it here first. :)

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  • Small White Car
    Apr 12, 09:03 PM
    It's always the users fault. :rolleyes:

    Why are you rolly-eying your own opinion?

    I didn't say anything like that, so if it's what you think then you shouldn't be so hard on yourself.

    Not even sure why you quoted me, honestly.

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  • supremedesigner
    Jul 18, 07:38 AM
    This is bulls***! IF they want to do that way, then it's their loss! That is really stupid. I'd rather buy DVD instead of renting their cheapstake movies!

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  • ncbill
    Jan 11, 08:17 PM
    13" screen means you can only shave about a pound off the Macbook's current weight - so a 4lb, not 3lb. notebook.

    If the above is true, then I guess this is not a macbook lite, but a macbook pro lite, so I'd expect starting price of $1999.

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  • BlizzardBomb
    Aug 29, 09:45 AM
    Merom doesn't cost the same as Yonah! Merom costs the same now as Yonah did WHEN IT WAS RELEASED. Since then the cost has gone down and is supposed to dip lower in the coming weeks. Apple could use Yonah in the Mini and lower the price to where it used to stand.

    Nonono, Merom costs the same as Yonah's June price points which are still here even with Merom out in the wild.

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  • macidiot
    Jul 20, 04:44 PM
    My guess is it will open UP a great deal, around $4 then drop $1 or 2, 2 hours into the day and then climb to finish up 5 to 6$ :D

    Seasonally and VERY consistently AAPL drops from March to the end of sept and then rises strongly from late Aug. to Christmas. Then rises more in Jan. rests in Feb. and quickly and unpredictably peaks in March or May !?!?!?!

    Some years you will make %100 playing it this way, every once in a while you might loose %10, when betting makes bets that have BIG upsides and small downsides !!!

    That is the general trend of the stock market. And the US economy.

    Late spring/summer... market trends flat to down. People are more interested in vacations than working.

    Sept. market rallies briefly as people get back to work.

    October is traditionally the worst month to be in stocks. Every major crash has happened in October.

    Nov-Dec the market usually rallies. I attribute this to Christmas and bonuses/performance rating. Money managers need to boost their performance numbers for the year so they pump up stocks, usually pouring into any stock that has performed decently. It may not go up, but at least they can say they were in winning stocks.

    Jan-early spring usually has selling. A combination of cashing out of the Christmas rally and tax selling.

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  • OliverOSX93
    Apr 19, 04:29 PM
    As much as I want an Air, every time I'm in an Apple Store I drool over the 27" iMac. There's just something about that beautiful aluminum behemoth sitting on a desk that says I'm in the right camp.

    Dare we dream of a 30" model?

    it wasn't too long ago that apple discontinued the 30 inch ACD in favour of the 27 inch one. so I'm doubtful on that. sorry mate :(

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  • netdog
    Aug 25, 09:34 AM
    Arent Core 2s being reported in shortage by intel suppliers?

    Yeah, coz Apple bought 'em all up to fill them super-secret shipping containers arriving on Sept. 5 full of bitchin' Core 2 iMacs, Minis, MBPs and MBs.

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  • eidrunner247
    Sep 6, 09:43 AM
    The 24" iMac can be upgraded to a 7600GT video card. Anyone know how decent that is? What about the x1600?

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  • macidiot
    Jul 19, 04:15 PM
    Wait till next quarter when the MacPro line-up comes out and new iPods etc..

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  • coffey7
    Sep 6, 08:37 PM
    I rather just buy a dvd for $10-20. I'm not downloading anything from the apple store for that price.

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  • Irishman
    Apr 20, 08:33 AM
    The 6950m and 6970m are also available in 2gb models. That would help with the larger resolution of the 27" display. Let's hope for that as well!

    Maybe as a BTO. Not sure all those new things could happen for $1999.99

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  • PowerFullMac
    Jan 12, 11:35 AM
    You never know. The same thing happened with the fat Nano rumor:

    True! People can spectulate all they like, but no one knows what Apple are planning! The "daft" Nano rocks! And so will this MacBook Air if it comes out, Apple NEVER fails to amaze! :D

    Apr 25, 07:36 AM
    Apple hackers develop better jailbreaks now so they can keep up with the superior system Android has.

    There's so much more one can do with Android.

    After having every iPhone, I tried Android and I'm so amazed at their great capabilities.

    Android is awesome.

    That said my Iphone 4 is best as an iPod replacement.

    I have the best of both worlds.

    Don't believe a word this troll posts. Not even a good liar. Here's its first post--from about 2 weeks ago!

    " Apr 8, 01:55 PM * #1
    macrumors 6502
    Join Date: Apr 2011
    Location: Western Hemisphere
    Please Help with OS versions MBP & iPhone 4
    Just switched from PC to Mac

    Bought a new 2010 MBP with 10.6.4, and a new iPhone 4 with 4.3.x

    I've been using the computer for about five months, but the iPhone just arrived right now, and I haven't even unpacked it yet when a question came to mind.


    May I sync the new iPhone to iTunes for the Initial Setup WITHOUT updating OS X on my MBP?

    I prefer NOT to just yet, since the computer is running perfectly and I'm still getting accustomed to it.

    I'm also not ready to have the Mac App Store installed until I get familiar with the rest of this change from PC to Mac.

    Thanks "

    Apr 4, 07:34 PM
    Then don't use full screen �? No one is forcing it on you.

    I use full screen for mail on my 27". Would be useless to put Safari on FS on that size, but I can see why it would be useful on an 11" Air.

    Similar with me. I have a 13" Macbook which really benefits from the ability to go into fullscreen. The extra screen space makes it much easier to concentrate. But when I'm at home I have it plugged into a 24" monitor I don't have a need for it.

    Apr 12, 09:04 PM

    well, in cast there was any doubt.


    Rodimus Prime
    Apr 23, 01:09 AM
    for all your defending of this feature ... can you give me even one positive reason this is good for the average person that out-weighs the negative ones ... just one

    That is a good question.

    I have a huge issue with how it is done and the fact that you can not opt out of it. On top of that Apple has piss poor protection of the file and Apple history at security is not exactly the best.
    There should be a way to opt out. But collecting them with out my choice is an issue.

    I trust Google a hell of a lot more with the info and being more up front about it then Apple and I do not trust Google that much.

    If LTD wants an example other wise you can see companies start using these feature on the phones to track employees at all time and what they do. Or in court cases them being pulled it to use against one spouse in a mess divorce.
    Spying on ones spouse is another example.

    iSpoody 1243
    Jun 22, 07:46 PM
    ios4 apps on the dashboard would be cool
    thats about it

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