Tuesday, May 24, 2011

solar power system

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  • maclaptop
    Apr 12, 07:51 AM
    Maybe they need to wait in order to get 28/32nm A5 chips. No point in having an iPhone 5 with a 3 hour battery life

    Or maybe their waiting while the new antenna engineers they hired try and convince Steve to leave them alone to do their job.

    They want to put the antenna inside where it belongs.

    Jobs ego can't handle it.

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 19, 02:37 PM
    WRONG! They weren't invented at Apple's Cupertino HQ, they were invented back in Palo Alto (Xerox PARC).

    Secondly, your source is a pro-Apple website. Thats a problem right there.

    I'll give you a proper source, the NYTimes, which wrote an article on Xerox vs Apple back in 1989, untarnished, in its raw form. Your 'source' was cherry picking data.

    Here is one excerpt.

    Then Apple CEO John Sculley stated:

    ^^ thats a GLARING admission, by the CEO of Apple, don't you think? Nevertheless, Xerox ended up losing that lawsuit, with some saying that by the time they filed that lawsuit it was too late. The lawsuit wasn't thrown out because they didn't have a strong case against Apple, but because of how the lawsuit was presented as is at the time.

    I'm not saying that Apple stole IP from Xerox, but what I am is that its quite disappointing to see Apple fanboys trying to distort the past into making it seem as though Apple created the first GUI, when that is CLEARLY not the case. The GUI had its roots in Xerox PARC. That, is a FACT.

    Who said Apple created the first GUI.

    Jobs himself credits Xerox for their GUI. :rolleyes:

    solar power system. grid tied solar power system
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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 7, 04:43 AM
    See, that is exactly not the purpose of OpenCL. OpenCL can also use specialized DSPs, if someone writes a compiler for them. OpenCL is GPU-independent, which is a problem, if you want to optimize your OpenCL-code for a specific GPU.

    See, that's exactly the same thing I said. And see, that's exactly what the SB + Intel 3000 HD solution does not do. :rolleyes:

    Look, you're saying the same thing I am, you just don't want to agree that the Intel 3000 HD solution is sub-par for OpenCL, a big feature Apple pushed with Snow Leopard. Stop being obtuse. Right now, SB does not run OpenCL code on a DSP or anything else, it runs on it the CPU, defeating the whole purpose.

    nVidia 320M si about 20W, so they can use 17W processors on 11,6" and 25W processors on 13", with an increased battery life on both models.

    You're forgetting that the 320m is more than just a graphics processor. SB still requires a south bridge which will also have a power rating.

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  • shawnce
    Jul 20, 11:43 AM
    - release date of 10.5 revealed - possibly more stuff revealed

    -release of 10.5

    Sorry I don't see that happening... Apple has basically always given developers a few months (to several months) lead time with the next major version of Mac OS X. That has taken place yet... so I don't see it being released at WWDC 2006.

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  • Belly-laughs
    Nov 28, 08:12 PM
    I give Universal $1 to compensate for downloading their whole library illegally? Now, that�s a good deal!

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  • BaldiMac
    Mar 22, 03:38 PM
    The iPad two does have some shortcomings, few of which are worth going to to here. However, the OS of these devices IS crucial and we are beginning to see iOS creaking slightly. In terms of looks and notifications, for me, Apple is lagging. I like how the Playbook looks and potentially, should operate. Will I make a snap judgement? No. I'll try the damn thing first before making a judgement.

    Why are you comparing the Playbook that is coming out this summer to iOS 4? Chances are it will be competing with iOS 5. If you want to be fair and all.

    solar power system. Grid tie Solar energy System
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  • Timepass
    Aug 12, 02:33 AM
    Apple won't put GPS in unless they can create a whole new 'Apple' interface for it.

    I'm no GPS expert, but I'm not sure how they could do that with a simple candybar phone. It would need to be some sort of smartphone / pocketPC thing.

    if they want to work with US law they will put GPS in it. I dont remember when all call company have it done by but after a certain point all companiy must be able to find anyone with in so many feet when a 911 call is made. most chose to go the GPS route for that.

    Also I know my 3 last sprint flip phones all had GPS and I know the verizon razer has GPS in it.

    And I pretty sure cingular phones have GPS in it since they all have the ableity to use mapping programs for the phones.

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  • mcrain
    Mar 17, 12:51 PM
    How many times did Barack Obama attempt to draw a difference between himself and Hillary by saying "I was against the war from the beginning."? Lots. He was against the war from the beginning, and he campaigned on ending the Iraq war and escalating the Afghanistan war in an attempt to do what we went there for in the first place; and actually plan on an orderly end of the conflict. So, yes, you are correct. He was against the Iraq war from the beginning, and he said so. Bravo, 1-1 so far.

    How many times did he attempt to portray himself as the polar opposite of George Bush, especially his foreign policy? Lots. In what ways has he not been the polar opposite? Do you have examples or cites? He did try to close Guantanamo, and the GOP blocked him. He actually put in place a time table for withdrawal from Iraq. He actually focused our efforts on Afghanistan; the war that started in response to 9/11 (almost 10 years ago btw).

    How many times did he say that he was going to repair the view of America in the eyes of the Muslim world? Lots. Hasn't he? A dead fish would have had a better image than GWB in that part of the world.

    How many times did he the right wing media say he would talk to leaders of 'terrorist nations' without preconditions? Lots. Fixed that for ya.

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  • ezekielrage_99
    Jul 27, 10:04 PM
    This was one of the advantages of the G5 but IBM stalled and Intel has essentially blown past everybody. AMD will answer no doubt, but it appears that Intel has about a 6 month jump on them.

    AMD has it's hands full with an ATi take over which gives Intel the chance to get a bit a head on the Processor game. Either way it's good Intel has some real competition it means faster cheaper chips.:cool:

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  • Imola Ghost
    Apr 8, 12:15 AM
    This may be why I haven't gotten my iPad 2 white wifi only from BB. I put a deposit down a couple of hours after it went on sale. They just called me last night to tell me that it came in.

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  • digitalbiker
    Aug 25, 03:42 PM
    It would be a shame to Apple toss aside its consistent record of having the industry's best support.

    I have always wondered if Apple's past industry record on support was really accurate. I think that Apple had such a loyal following of users that they tended to give Apple rosey marks for what most would classify as just average support.

    Now with more new users coming to the mac. Support is now getting a less biased audience who have dealt with other computer support groups and are able to make a more accurate comparison.

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  • NAG
    Apr 25, 02:33 PM
    Can we officially call this an over reaction? I'm all for Apple explaining what is going on here but a lawsuit is overkill. Where is the proof that this is actually harming people?

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  • Island Dog
    Mar 26, 08:14 AM
    I wish the pre-orders would go up already.

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  • robbyx
    Apr 25, 04:05 PM
    This suit has merit. If I turn off location services there should be no record of where I go.

    Why would you assume that turning off location services would prevent tracking? The phone is still connected to the cell network. I'd assume Airplane Mode would turn off tracking, but not location services.

    With that and other simple info I can find out where you work, where you bank, where you live, what time you usually get home. All it takes is one website or email attachment to compromise your device. This info is not encrypted.

    I do think if Any device does this they should be sued

    First, someone would have to obtain your phone. No one seems to mention this. Big bad Apple is tracking us all!!! Apple isn't tracking anyone. The phone is logging location information for some reason, perhaps legit, perhaps a bug, perhaps test code that got left behind, who knows. The point is, your location isn't compromised unless someone steals your phone.

    And if they steal your phone, they'll have your address book, your web bookmarks, your email, your notes, etc.

    Suing over this is idiotic and really shows how absurd this whole "privacy" debate has become. Scott McNealy said it best years ago: "Privacy is dead. Get over it."

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  • Littleodie914
    Jul 27, 09:44 AM
    So since these new mobile chips are pin-compatible with the Yonah chips (like the one in my MBP), will it be easy/possible to simply buy one and upgrade myself?

    solar power system. solar power system
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  • ferguldy
    Jul 27, 09:49 AM
    So are we really going to get ALL of these new toys come WWDC? Leopard preview, Merom laptops, Core2/Woodcrest Mac Pros, Core2 Imacs (oh, and maybe a movie download add to iTunes) That sounds like an awful lot of stuff to cover in such a short period of time. What do people think about timelines for introduction here?

    solar power system. solar power systems
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  • Gatesbasher
    Mar 31, 08:26 PM
    This is where the Android "community" is going to split.

    The ones we've heard from today don't give a crap about "open" or "closed" or Google or anything else other than the fact that Android is not Apple and is stealing some sales from Apple. They'll defend whatever Google does, because all they want is a platform that's not by Apple to take over the mobile space.

    The true believers in the "open" propaganda, as ridiculous as it is and as untrue as it's always been, are probably still in a state of shock. By tomorrow they'll split into two warring camps. One will defend everything Google does because they perceive—wrongly of course—that Android is still in some indefinable way more open than iOS, and they'll blow that little invisible kernel of "openness" up until that's all they can see.

    The other camp will be viciously angry at Google's betrayal of the True Religion™ and will be flailing around for some other messiah to deliver them from the "Walled Garden" of Apple and now, Android. These are the people who were saying the other day that "Motorola could rot" with their own OS.

    Any suggestions on who the zealots will turn to in their hour of despair? I honestly can't think of a candidate, but then I'm not nuts—at least not that way.

    solar power system. Solar Power System
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  • Azdel
    Jun 14, 06:55 PM
    I just got off the phone with my local RadioShack. I was told that the PIN would not guarantee you a phone on launch day, but that the chances of getting one are VERY VERY good. I know the manager very well, and trust that whoever told him said the same thing. I'm assuming the calls were done on a regional, if not district level, as opposed to company wide to give people a chance to ask questions, so it seems that most likely personal interpretations came into play, causing the original message, whatever it may have been to get screwed up.

    solar power system. photovoltaic system. It
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  • dejo
    Aug 7, 06:51 PM
    Would Dashcode be considered part of the "Enhanced Dashboard" choice?

    Aug 6, 07:24 AM
    MBP owners don't need to worry yet. AnandTech (http://www.anandtech.com/cpuchipsets/showdoc.aspx?i=2808&p=1)

    "The biggest performance gains are associated with 3D rendering and media encoding tasks. While Core 2 Duo does look nice, as long as you've got a good notebook today you'll probably want to wait until Santa Rosa before upgrading (at the earliest). With Santa Rosa, clock speeds will go up slightly but more importantly we'll get access to a faster FSB. Unfortunately a side-effect of keeping Core 2 Duo fed with a faster FSB is that while performance may go up, battery life may go down. For Apple users this means that early adopters of the new MacBook or MacBook Pro won't be too pressured to upgrade again by the end of this year. Of course Apple has this way of making incremental changes irresistible."

    Jul 14, 03:55 PM
    So why use woodcrest WITHOUT dual processor configuration? Makes no sense, any single proc models should be conroe.
    4M of L2 cache is another good reason. According to recent reports, only the "extreme edition" of the Core 2 (aka Conroe) chip will have 4M. And it will cost more than Woodcrest.
    Macs have ALREADY had two optical bays (including twin CD drives). And none of these configs include two drives, you'd only have a second one if you wanted it.
    Where have you been shopping recently? Only one model PowerMac has ever had two optical drive bay.

    The MDD G4 PowerMac towers (August 2002-June 2004) have two optical drive bays. The G4 PowerMacs that came before only have one (the lower bay is only big enough for floppy-size devices, like zip drives.) The G5 PowerMacs only have one externally-accessible bay of any size.

    I would love the ability to install two optical drives, but your claim that Apple is currently shipping this somewhere is simply not true.

    Apr 11, 01:23 PM
    The iPhone 4 is still the best smartphone in the market, so not surprising.

    As for people expecting a 4" screen on the next iPhone dream on. They are not going to make an iPhone with a bigger screen.

    To me, it's much more likely that the iPhone 5 will have a 4"+ screen than it is to have 64GB or 4G, although given Apple's increasing tendancy to underwhelm us with new technology features (which are in fact old by the time of their introduction 1-2 years after everyone else), I doubt we get any of these three.


    Jul 20, 12:17 PM
    I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but Kentsfield will not be appearing in any of the Pro machines for some time.

    Apple will be using them exclusively in the Xserves, at for the most part of 2007. This will finally give Apple another way to distinguish their server line from their pro line.

    That makes a lot of sense, actually. I hadn't thought of it, but with a server class processor ostensibly powering the Mac Pro, it begs the question of what the servers will get as an upgrade.

    The simple answer--next generation server chips, duh!

    Sep 19, 02:23 AM
    As I is naught en Amerikan canned sumone plz tell mi wen tanksgifting is? :p


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