Tuesday, May 24, 2011

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  • mcrain
    Mar 17, 01:29 PM
    Ron Paul believes in term limits, but keeps running and running and running...

    Oh, and Rand didn't fall far from the tree. From wiki for anyone who is curious:

    Controversial claims made in Ron Paul's newsletters, written in the first person narrative, included statements such as "Boy, it sure burns me to have a national holiday for that pro-communist philanderer Martin Luther King. I voted against this outrage time and time again as a Congressman. What an infamy that Ronald Reagan approved it! We can thank him for our annual Hate Whitey Day." Along with "even in my little town of Lake Jackson, Texas, I've urged everyone in my family to know how to use a gun in self defense. For the animals are coming." Another notable statement that garnered controversy was "opinion polls consistently show only about 5% of blacks have sensible political opinions, if you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be". An issue from 1992 refers to carjacking as the "hip-hop thing to do among the urban youth who play unsuspecting whites like pianos." In an article titled "The Pink House" the newsletter wrote that "Homosexuals, not to speak of the rest of society, were far better off when social pressure forced them to hide their activities." These publications would later create political problems for Paul and he considered retiring his seat. Wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Paul)

    He won't ever be president, and he should have resigned his seat years ago.

    It's one thing to vote against pay raises; it's another to actually do something about them. It's one thing to vote against many things that you know are going to pass, and another to stand up to your party when it counts.

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  • Cowinacape
    Jul 14, 09:14 PM
    I really don't see the need for any case changes for the towers (other than adding at least one more 5 inch bay, which I am all for) instead of redeigning the case for the sake of it, why not pocket the saving in design, and tooling, and pass some along to the consumer. I don't recall any big case changes to the mini, or imac in the G5 - intel change over.

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  • dayne33
    Aug 27, 05:40 PM
    I was just checking out the CD vs C2D comparison at Anandtech, pretty interesting stuff.

    My question is this, is Santa Rosa strictly the mobile platform? I'm a student holding off for an iMac revision, and am wondering if apple utilizes Conroe in the iMac, will the faster FSB's be supported? Is an updated platform already available for Conroe? (I guess I had more than one question )


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  • ergle2
    Sep 19, 12:56 PM
    thx for your reply,

    i will go for the mac pro quad know (i'm updating my home computer wich is a G3, but i'm used to work on a dual G5 for my projects) and yeah i will allways be able then to update later, but how about ram, when DDR3 comes out, i read that its going to replace FB-DIMMs so will that be upgradeble too???
    cause these FB-DIMMS are so ********** expensive :) thx

    DDR and FB aren't mutually exclusive technologies. Current FB-DIMMs use DDR2 chips. Newer FB-DIMMs will use DDR3 chips but due to the way FB-DIMMs work -- the buffer and control hardware essentially sit between the memory and the MCH -- you should still be able to use them in a Mac Pro. Note, should, not will.

    You won't be able to use regular DDR3 DIMMs just like you can't use regular DDR2 DIMMs tho'. That's something that'd require a major design change to the motherboard.

    So, memory will still be damn' expensive compared to that found in the cheap desktops...

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  • nikhsub1
    Apr 7, 10:20 PM
    Wow. I bought mine at Best Buy on opening day and they sold out of them. Why in anybody's right mind would best buy not sell what they have?
    Obviously you know little about retail and accounting.

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  • blahblah100
    Apr 27, 09:46 AM
    There aren't any concerns, but since the media hyped this up so much, they had to address it. Now they have. Should be the end of the story. But it won't be since there are anti-Apple folks who will push to keep this story alive as long as they can until the next Apple-gate story gets created.

    And I'm sure when the next Apple-gate story gets created, the blind fanbois will jump to their defense. :rolleyes:

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  • ProwlingTiger
    Mar 31, 08:44 PM
    I like everyone bashing on the Apple "fanboys." It's comical. Somehow telling it like it is hangs a sign around your neck saying "i'm a fanboy, flame me."

    People defending Google here by saying Google is still open are simply delusional. Now, if you defend Google by saying, "hey, Google was wrong these past few years, they're going in the right direction now," I'll give you credit.

    But, somehow, Google changing its policies that were clearly not in the best interest of consumers gives people a reason to bash Apple customers.

    Google is practically admitting what Apple "fanboys" have been saying all along.

    "You can't handle the truth!"

    SactoGuy18: Good idea. I've been wondering why Google never did this originally.

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  • samcraig
    Apr 25, 04:06 PM
    1. the lawsuit may have merit HOWEVER - the restitution being sought is silly because I am sure that the two people suing could have or still could return their devices for a refund or store credit.

    2. If this was a suit brought up against Google for the same thing - those defending Apple would be ripping Google (or anyone else) a new one. But clearly because it's Apple being targeted it's a witch hunt?

    3.the iPhone 4 had an antenna issue. Steve flat out said so. He said that ALL phones have an issue. That doesn't negate the iPhone having one. Oh - but this was LONG after his email to me (and others) that there was NO issue. Backpeddled on that one only after Consumer Reports refused to give the iPhone a good review. Suddenly there was a press conference and finger pointing (poorly) at every other phone manufacturer

    I suspect the same will happen here. Apple will be in the cross hairs. Justifiably or not. And when push comes to shove - they will throw anyone and everyone under the bus (ATT, Google, etc) for doing the same thing.

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  • Iconoclysm
    Apr 20, 04:23 PM
    Are you aware that Apple copied the ibooks GUI from another software vendor? I remember seeing it years (like in G4 era) before ipad was out, before iBook. It was for keeping inventory of books on a mac.

    I'm not gonna bother going looking for the link/screen shot but trust me, that look was used by another software vendor, BEFORE apple used it. And of course that's one reason this wasn't mentioned in the suit I'm assuming.

    Actually here it is.


    Image (http://www.delicious-monster.com/images/librarypage/screenshots/inspector_0_topmatter.png)

    Won apple design award in 2005. And when was iBooks introduced?

    And the co-creator of that product is a UI Designer working on the iPad. Nice work.

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  • starnox
    Aug 5, 04:58 PM
    My bad :p Never trust random world clock websites ;)

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  • Silentwave
    Aug 18, 10:21 AM

    I think this speaks for itself.

    When I'm working on one project, that's all my attention to it. When I'd like to encode it, I'd like my however many cores to be at full blast. Sadly, that's not happening at the moment and will remain so until they rewrite h264 encoding.

    Like I said, unless people are doing what you do (sending multiple files to be encoded at the same time all the time) they won't benefit from 4, 8, 100 cores.

    Now if anyone can show benchmarks that show FCP being 40-50% faster on a quad than on a dual when working on a project, I'll shut up :)

    Or maybe they have?

    Didn't FCP just get updated to optimize it for the Mac Pro?

    I think they need the latest version over there and should rerun the test.

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  • Zargot
    Jul 20, 01:07 PM
    New Apple Mac Pro Dual Quad

    Dual Intel Xeon 8400 Quardro processors at 3.4Ghz (2 x 4 core)
    2Gb Buffered DDR2 RAM
    750 Gb Sata2 Hard drive
    Blue Ray Super drive 2x
    Regular DVD rom in second bay
    ATI X1900 video card 512mb PCI express x16


    More like $13,950


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  • Ugg
    Mar 22, 11:51 AM
    I'm confused. :confused:

    What point is 5P trying to make here?

    Is the fact that one list contains more countries by count make it superior to the second? Is that the only way to judge a coalition, by count?

    That seems a little too simplistic to me.

    For instance, I added up these two lists (after removing duplicates) according to how much the countries spend on their military ...

    � Coalition Countries - Iraq - 2003 ~ 152 billion

    � Coalition - Libya - 2011 ~ 179 billion

    I guess it's just how you want to look at it. :cool:

    5p's posts rarely have anything to do with reason and everything to do with histrionic political bile.

    We could also point out that the Arab League is backing the Allied actions and that Libya now is not Iraq then, but why bother, because he'll just take off on some irrelevant tangent praising Reagan and Paul et fils while denigrating Obama.

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  • notjustjay
    Nov 28, 11:52 PM
    i would love if the government changed the royalty law to extend only to the artists and not the record companies.....

    Not only would I support this, I would GLADLY pay an "iPod levy" if somehow it was guaranteed to land in the pockets of the artists who I listened to.

    It's corporate greed that I refuse to bow down to.

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  • bigmc6000
    Aug 11, 02:31 PM
    They are failing because they believe media content is what is important to people. Pumping their phones full of media and "services" which only are really advertisements that don't help anyone but Disney and ESPN. They are phones with superficial artificial sustainance.

    Technology wouldn't be such a boom if people couldn't advertise with it some way. Apple will only succeed if it can avoid this and make a product that is functional and serves a true purpose in the consumer's life without the bullcrap content.

    It's same issue of turning people from Windows to a Mac but WORSE. If people had to pay MS a fee for switching I doubt it'd be more than about 1% share. And that's what the US business is right now. Sure there are going to be a few people who pay the 170 to get out of their contract and then another 300 for the iPhone and then, most likely, an increase in their calling plan becuase now noone is free mobile to mobile.

    We've headed down this contract path and I personally think it's fine. I don't plan on switching carriers all that often and if it saves me $280 off of a phone for a service I'm going to subscribe to anyway I say go for it.

    Really - please pick Cingular - my g/f has it and won't get rid of it so I"m stuck. That's my plea to Steve - PLEASE!!!!

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  • john123
    Sep 19, 09:35 AM
    You can get a real speed boost just by compiling to 64-bit (naturally this depends on the source). The 64-bit benefit will increase over time on the Mac platform. On 64-bit Gentoo I had the chance to compare 32-bit & 64-bit binaries on exactly the same PC, & disagree entirely with your statement. Programs that can take advantage of 64-bit architecture, & are subsequently compiled for it, are definitely something to be desired.

    Add grudging 32-bit hanger-ons to the spoiled 13 year olds on here.

    Sometimes you can; sometimes not. That depends on a lot of factors. It's not universal. On the cluster we designed at my office with Opterons, we are actually using 32 bit (albeit with some software enhancements) because it came out considerably faster than the 64 bit implementations. So it's not a universal thing.

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  • cjoy
    Apr 25, 03:01 PM
    Brings to mind:

    If you outlaw guns, only the outlaws will have guns.

    statistics show that distribution of firearms mainly lead to more homocides and also suicides using firearms.
    if guns are outlawed, their distribution is greatly limited, making it a lot harder for outlaws to obtain them.

    the more you spread guns, the greater is the risk of them being used in illegal activities.

    ..oh wait... this forum is about apple and computers, right? :rolleyes:

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  • rezenclowd3
    Aug 14, 06:28 PM
    well to my understanding, there should be a lot of change between GT5 prologue and the full release.

    It's been that way for all of the GT series prologues ;)

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  • 0815
    Mar 31, 06:18 PM
    Tightening controls? How about Google having final right of refusal toward any mass production Bill of Materials for any Android phone going into production? That will keep the manufacturing accountants from screwing over the developers taking a $0.76 of parts out to save on a run but generate a million man hours of bug fixing in the third party developer community.

    True - but what happend to the 'open is good', 'everyone can customize as they want', 'open is the freedom to do with it what you want'. The one big argument that was always made for Android is gone - it is no longer as open as people think. Anyway, 'open' was in this context anyway a hyped up buzzword ... I understood the 'open' argument since (with exception of the Nexus) everyone got dependent on what the provider chooses to adopt and what not. It is not good if the provider decides what to remove or add on top of the OS.

    Aug 26, 07:36 PM
    not trying to start a war or anything but...isn't that what the mac pro is for? isn't the iMac considered consumer grade while the mbp is considered professional grade??? i think it is badass that the mbp is faster than the imac.

    Yes, but Conroe processors are less expensive than Merom for faster clocks, faster bus speeds, but increased power consumption, but considering iMacs used to house G5's, and they don't rely on battery power, Conroe is the logical choice for the iMac.

    Obviously the MBP should get the 2.16 and 2.33 Ghz Meroms, as you couldn't put a Conroe in one, but the MBP should not limit the speed of the iMac, just because it's not "Pro", and I would personally consider the iMac at least "semiPro" because it is damn fast. I've said before that there is much too much of a price and capability gap between iMac and Mac Pro, which could easily be filled with a "Pizza Box" or more likely, and probably more favourable in my opinion, a "fullPro" larger version of iMac (upgradeable of course) which I designate iMac Ultra, cos it's a cool name.

    There are good gradients between Mac Mini and iMac, MB and MBP, but not between iMac and MP.

    An appropriately maxed (RAM and GPU) 20" iMac costs AU$3169.
    A "comparable" MP (20" ACD, 2Ghz, 2Gb RAM) costs AU$5148

    That's 60% more. Enough to buy a Macbook to take to Uni. Apple needs a ~AU$4000 option to fill the gap, ie. with a bigger screen, upgradeable, better GPU, better CPU, and I will be very happy. :rolleyes:

    Apr 8, 02:14 AM
    Did it ever occur to you that perhaps BB take a cut of Apple's share of the profit when they sell an iPad?

    Based on what I've seen, BB doesn't take a cut of the profit.

    Look at it this way - Apple has to approve a certain retailer to sell their products. Why would they then pay that retailer that they have approved? I admit this isn't a very compelling example.

    My point(s) remain that managers are not hoarding iPads to meet their daily budgets and I do not believe BB gets any sort of money from Apple for every sale. Even then, that would not explain the stop-sale. In fact, that would encourage BB to go through their stock...

    Mar 31, 05:07 PM
    This is a smart move. It had to happen sooner or later.

    John Gruber would ***** if he could. His opinion is extremely biased.

    Wow... classless AND wrong at the same time. Care to go for the hat trick and throw in 'fanboi' too?

    Apr 7, 11:42 PM
    When I worked retail in high school I can remember we had a daily sales goal and that goal was based on how we had done last month and the previous year at that time. The managers were rated on their ability to achieve their sales goals and by how much they sold overall (i.e.: the best managers were the ones with the highest goals and still made their goals). However, the managers got dinged for missing for their goals.

    I am betting that this is a game that Best Buy managers have played for quite some time to ensure they can consistently make their sales goals and avoid their their goals from being artificially inflated to a level where they could not consistently achieve their goals. I doubt this was a company-wide Best Buy policy, but rather a consequence of the way they do performance ratings on their store managers.

    Either way it is DEFINITELY poor customer service. If somebody takes the time to drive down to your store and you have stock that has already been received into the inventory system and could be sold and you turn that customer away because the manager is looking out for his performance rating then you just told your customer that the manager's performance goals and ratings are more important than the people who help you achieve those goals with their hard-earned money.

    Apr 19, 06:03 PM
    According to Wikipedia It was released in Feb before the iPhone was released..

    The iPhone was revealed on January 9th 2007. It didn't ship until June due to regulatory approval.

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